Brazilian Media: Hanfu Craze Highlights the Revival of Chinese Traditional Culture

Brazilian Media: Hanfu Craze Highlights the Revival of Chinese Traditional Culture

Reference News Network reported on March 13. According to a report on the Brazilian "Forum" magazine website on March 10, with the resurgence of people's interest in traditional Chinese culture and the large number of exposures on social media platforms, a fashion trend has spread among young people in China. Popular: Hanfu style.

According to reports, this fashion trend has attracted widespread attention in China and has brought new business opportunities to many people across the country, including services such as traditional Chinese makeup, photography and clothing rentals.

In China, more and more people, especially young people, have found a sense of pride in wearing Hanfu in public, and thereby showing cultural confidence.

On the Chinese lifestyle social platform Xiaohongshu, 29-year-old Jin Yujin has about 11,000 followers. During this year’s Lantern Festival, she posted a video of herself and a group of women in traditional costumes, which was widely shared online.

Jin Yujin said in an interview with the media that the design of Hanfu shows a distinctive Chinese style and has unique charm. People's love for Hanfu is growing day by day, reflecting the growing appreciation of traditional culture. More and more people embrace the beauty of traditional clothing and are proud to wear Hanfu.

Jin Yujin’s love for Hanfu began in 2013, when she joined the Hanfu club at her university. She recalled that at that time, Hanfu was usually considered a costume only worn in TV dramas, and she felt a little embarrassed wearing it in public.

But in recent years, that feeling has been left behind. As Hanfu style becomes the focus, more and more people like Jin Yujin are joining the trend.

According to reports, during this year’s Spring Festival holiday, many tourists chose to wear Hanfu to visit scenic spots and historic sites. This is the case at the Confucius Temple, Confucius Forest and Confucius Mansion in Qufu, Shandong, China. The local area even allows people wearing Hanfu to enter these attractions for free during the holidays.

The growing popularity of this fashion trend has also brought many new business opportunities. Statistics show that there are nearly 6,000 Hanfu-related companies in China. In 2023, there will be 2,686 new Hanfu-related companies, a year-on-year increase of 355.25%.

“Hanfu fever” has also spread to Italy and other places. During the recent Venice Carnival, traditional Chinese costumes became one of the highlights. A team of Italian and Chinese volunteers participated in the Hanfu parade held in St. Mark's Square.

The report believes that this wave of interest in traditional Chinese clothing marks a broader movement to revive China’s excellent traditional culture.