Viewing modern China through the lens of Hanfu

Viewing modern China through the lens of Hanfu

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In recent years, wearing traditional clothes to visit scenic spots has become a trend among young people. During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon that just passed, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province held a free subway event for about a week wearing traditional Chinese clothing. Horse-faced skirts became the "New Year shirt" for more and more people; young girls wore Hanfu to check in at Disneyland. , calling it "the most suitable princess dress for Chinese babies' physiques"; the streets of Quanzhou, Fujian are crowded with tourists who look like Cangpu girls, and they have a unique style wearing clothes that started in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Host's words

Gorgeous attire, colorful and feathery clothes, clothing is not only a kind of life aesthetics, but also has a strong cultural identity behind it. How does the generation that grew up drinking Coke, eating McDonald's, and wearing all kinds of clothes view Hanfu, which is becoming more and more common around us? How do young people, who appreciate their own beauty, understand the beauty of traditional clothing? Traditional clothing is popular, but what next? The three reviews explain the beauty and beauty of Hanfu and culture from different angles, providing us with valuable cognitive puzzle pieces.

Youth says

The public, especially young people, love to wear Hanfu, and beauty is an important reason that cannot be avoided. The beauty of Hanfu is reflected in its shape, craftsmanship, fabrics and patterns, and it carries the profound and long-standing cultural aesthetics of the Chinese people. In the late 1990s, anthropologist Professor Fei Xiaotong proposed the concept of "cultural consciousness", which means that people living in a certain culture have "self-knowledge" of their culture and understand its origin, formation process, characteristics and development trends. . Nowadays, young people spontaneously wear Hanfu into their daily lives and consciously understand the cultural connotations behind Hanfu, which is a manifestation of cultural consciousness.

However, young people wearing Hanfu pursue not only tradition, but also a diverse clothing culture. They are looking for the foundation of traditional culture in Hanfu, while also exploring diversity and tolerance in modern society. Contemporary young people wear horse-faced skirts with suits and short-sleeves, and overseas students wear chest-length shirts and skirts to take graduation photos of "Chinese princesses". Internet bloggers combine Tang costumes with modern urban fashions, pairing the Tang trousers of the same style with different colors with pleated skirts, jeans and other modern clothes to explore diverse fashion aesthetics. Innovation, diversity, and openness are the core of modernity. Wearing Hanfu is not only a clothing choice, but also represents personality and aesthetics, allowing young people to find a unique multicultural confidence between tradition and modernity.

Roses and violets do not need to have the same fragrance. Behind the diversified development of clothing culture is the diversity of concepts and civilizations. Hanfu has returned to the Chinese clothing system. The revival of traditional culture in modern times is not only about cultivating a cultural soil for the revival of traditional clothing, but more importantly, in the tension between modernity and traditional culture carried by clothing, we can see a more diverse and diverse world. Modern China with national characteristics. Not only for taking photos to show off to friends, but also for walking on campus and on the streets wearing Hanfu is a beautiful culture and lively life in itself.