Understand the evolution of Ruqun with just one picture

Understand the evolution of Ruqun with just one picture

There is a very basic shape in Hanfu, which is a skirt with an upper skirt and a lower skirt, which matches the basic concept of Hanfu with a top and a lower skirt. The jacket is a short top, and the skirt is usually a floor-length skirt.

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It is said that the prototype of Ru skirt existed during the emperor's period, but the earliest Ru skirt discovered by archeology was from the Warring States period. It is generally believed that the underskirt disappeared in the early Qing Dynasty during the "shaving of hair and changing clothes". In fact, Han women in the Qing Dynasty still wore Han-made skirts and shirts, but due to the heavy pressure of Manchu policies, the original form was gradually lost.

Underskirts can be worn by both men and women. Men's underskirts usually refer to the "clothes" of the upper and lower garments.

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Deep clothing was popular during the Qin and Han Dynasties, but this does not mean that the skirt disappeared. It is still one of the commonly used clothing. The styles of underskirts in the Han Dynasty were relatively regular, with the upper undershirt reaching to the waist and the lower skirt reaching to the floor. Most of them had crossed collars.

The Ru skirt unearthed from a Han tomb in Gansu in 1957 is mainly made of silk and silk floss. It has a crossed collar and a right gusset, and narrow sleeves.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Ru skirts gradually became popular again. The cuffs can also be wide or narrow, and an apron-like "waist hug" is worn around the waist, with a ribbon tied on the outside. The materials and colors of women's skirts are also richer, and due to the development of Buddhism, Buddhist patterns also appear in large numbers.

The characteristics of the underskirt at that time were that it had a double lapel and a cinched waist, and the sleeves were either tight and narrow, or wide and exaggerated. The cuffs are usually decorated with patch sleeves made of different colors, and the lower skirt is decorated withThe pattern is mainly striped and alternate.

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Half-arm skirts became popular during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. This is a way of wearing a short-sleeved top over long sleeves. Matching it is a kind of long skirt called "fairy skirt", also called "twelve broken skirt". When dressed like this, there is also a hat with a hanging veil on the head, called a curtain hat, which is obviously influenced by Hufu.

The Tang Dynasty was open-minded, and shirts with large sleeves that revealed breasts were once popular. This kind of clothing unexpectedly excited modern film and television directors. In fact, women's clothing with half exposed breasts is not worn all over the street. Only aristocratic women in big houses and people in some special industries wear it like this.

Ruquants in the Tang Dynasty liked shawls, and later gradually evolved into swaying and dancing streamers. At that time, a kind of women's underwear without suspenders that could be seen from the outside was also popular, called myrobalan. I don't know if it was because people thought it would be safer to tie a belt around the chest, so the waistline of the underskirt gradually rose to the chest. This is a chest-length underskirt.

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During the Song Dynasty, Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism was at its peak, and clothing became more elegant and less decorated. The waistline has also returned from the chest in the prosperous Tang Dynasty to the position above the waist. The popularity of jackets worn outside skirts has also straightened women's curves. Women wearing jackets do appear more stable and rational, but they lack those graceful shapes. Women with lower social status wear shorter gowns, while women with higher status wear longer gowns.

In the Ming Dynasty, the underskirt evolved into the coat skirt., characterized by crossed collars, long-sleeved shorts. Advocating light colors and dark lines, and gradually developing into plain colors. "Six skirts trailing the water of the Xiangjiang River" means that the number of skirts was six at first, but later it became more and more popular, up to eight or even ten. Moreover, the pleats are also beautiful because of their denseness. Each pleat has a different color. When the breeze blows, the color is like moonlight, so it is called "Moonlight Skirt".

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Having said so much, if you want to ask which era of skirts is the best? Then I say the current one is the best. I often see a lot of people arguing about what should be this and what should be. In fact, in modern times, if the clothes you wear have the basic characteristics of Hanfu, it is enough to show your feelings for the national culture. There is really no need to be demanding about details. It's still cold in spring in most areas now, and it's even cooler in the morning and evening. No matter how "archeologically" you dress, do you still need to wear a cold-proof jacket outside?

Wear whatever you want, now is the best time!