Wearing Hanfu, tasting flower tea, and enjoying the Fei Hua Ling

Wearing Hanfu, tasting flower tea, and enjoying the Fei Hua Ling

Wearing Hanfu, tasting flower tea, and enjoying the Fei Hua Ling - Image 1

This weekend, in the warm spring breeze, a group of Hanfu enthusiasts walked into Huang Daopo Memorial Park, a national intangible cultural heritage base for the inheritance of cotton textile skills in Wunijing. This unique garden party, named "Cotton·Hua Chao", was held to celebrate the Flower Chao Festival.

The Flower Festival is an ancient festival that has been popular since the Tang Dynasty. It is also known as the "Hundred Flowers Birthday" and "Flower Festival". In China, the dates are different in different regions. The Hua Chao Festival is sometimes on the second day of February, the twelfth day of February, or the fifteenth day of February. The Chinese nation was called "Huaxia" in ancient times. "China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; it has the beauty of clothing and seals, so it is called Hua." Therefore, wearing traditional Hanfu to celebrate the Flower Dynasty is the best interpretation of the customs of the country of Chinese etiquette. Way.

Wearing Hanfu, tasting flower tea, and enjoying the Fei Hua Ling - Image 2

"The flowers are shining brightly towards the moon, and cotton is silver." On Huachaori, there are also special small rituals: cotton farmers worship Xianmian to pray for a good cotton harvest, and cotton farmers also use whether it will rain on Huachaori to predict cotton harvest. The towns in the south of the Yangtze River became prosperous, and Huang Daopo was regarded as the god of the cotton industry.

Hanfu enthusiasts presented cotton bouquets to the statue of Xian Mianhuang Daopo, and then carried out a series of custom activities such as hanging red flowers, appreciating red flowers, fluttering butterflies, inserting hairpins, and visiting gardens in the Jiangnan classical gardens, recreating the celebration of flowers for celebrities and beauties in ancient times. The joyful scene of the morning.

Wearing Hanfu, tasting flower tea, and enjoying the Fei Hua Ling - Image 3

During the tasting of scented tea and flower cakes, "Feihua Ling" fully demonstrated the interest of Chinese poetry. "Spring City is full of flying flowers." The first round of this flower flying order is with the theme of "flower", and the second round of the order is with the theme of "dynasty". The outstanding poetry competition between large and small contestants not only reflects the cultivation of classical literature, but also reflects the confidence of traditional culture.

Magnolia is paired with cotton. Thanks to the exquisite craftsmanship of the event participants, the Jibei magnolia vase presents a cheerful atmosphere.

Wearing Hanfu, tasting flower tea, and enjoying the Fei Hua Ling - Image 4

At the scene, Fang Yun, a researcher at the Shanghai Arts and Crafts Vocational Intangible Cultural Heritage Theory and Application Innovation Base, gave a cultural lecture on "Reconstruction of the Contemporary Flower Festival and the Inheritance of the Flower Goddess Culture". "The current national trend of Hanfu is very popular among young people. This Flower Festival aims to cultivate China's excellent traditional culture and cotton textile intangible cultural heritage skills through the unique Hanfu shape, cotton symbols, traditional Flower Dynasty rituals and fashionable and diverse expressions. The fan base can further promote the dissemination and inheritance of Huang Daopo culture and the construction of Shanghai's urban cultural festival brand." Fang Yun said.

The "First Cotton Festival" is hosted by the People's Government of Huajing Town, Xuhui District and hosted by Huang Daopo Memorial Park. As an intangible heritage inheritance base, the Huang Daopo Memorial Park is committed to creating a series of Chinese traditional festivals and textile intangible cultural heritage. From then on, the Memorial Park will continue to delve into the excavation, protection, inheritance and construction of Shanghai's cotton textile culture and Flower Dynasty festival customs. By searching for festivals A sense of ritual and building cultural self-confidence.