The booming sales of Hanfu horse-face skirts signify what

The booming sales of Hanfu horse-face skirts signify what

This Chinese New Year holiday, horse-faced skirts with unique Chinese characteristics are selling out. According to media reports, Caoxian County, Shandong Province is one of the production and sales bases of Hanfu in my country, with annual sales of Hanfu exceeding 7 billion yuan. This year, the sales of Year of the Dragon New Year clothes, mainly horse-faced skirts, in Caoxian County have exceeded 300 million yuan.

Horse-faced skirt is a kind of traditional Chinese clothing. It has unique design, smooth lines, beautiful shape, and various styles. It is suitable for people of different occasions and age groups. Horse-faced skirts can be grand or everyday. Because of its versatility and strong traditional cultural charm, it is welcomed by consumers. Many people choose to wear horse-faced skirts to confidently and calmly express their love for traditional culture during festivals.

The booming sales of Hanfu horse-face skirts signify what - Image 1

This year, more and more people are choosing Chinese-style clothing as their New Year’s clothing option. The bright "Chinese red" and eye-catching "dragon elements" on the clothes fill the atmosphere of the Lunar Year of the Dragon. Whether in popular scenic spots or on the streets of temple fairs and lantern festivals, people can see young people wearing horse-faced skirts taking photos happily. The unique horse-faced skirt and the lively festive atmosphere have become a vivid scenery during the Spring Festival holiday.

The popularity of horse-faced skirts is no accident. It is the result of the combination of traditional culture and modern fashion. In addition to festivals, museums that travel through ancient and modern times, and popular tourist destinations at home and abroad, we often see various Chinese-style outfits. The popularity of national-style clothing reflects, on the one hand, the fashion industry’s exploration and innovation of traditional culture, and on the other hand, it also reflects consumers’ recognition of traditional cultural style clothing.

It can be seen from the popularity of horse-faced skirts and other national-style clothing that more and more people are beginning to re-examine and appreciate traditional culture. As a cultural symbol, Chinese style clothing includes Chinese history, philosophy, art and other aspects. Its popularity shows people's heartfelt recognition and confidence in traditional culture. With the rapid spread of the Internet, more and more people have seen the timeless charm of traditional Chinese costumes.

With the changes in consumers' aesthetic concepts and the improvement of consumption levels, people's demand for clothing is also constantly changing. With its unique design, exquisite craftsmanship and profound cultural connotation, Chinese-style clothing satisfies consumers' needs for personalization andFashion needs. The hot sales of horse-faced skirts are also the result of complying with consumer demand.

The booming sales of Hanfu horse-face skirts signify what - Image 2

The collision of Chinese elements and fashion trends brings fashionable expressions of traditional culture. Clothing can also become one of the carriers to convey the core of traditional cultural values. People's demand for traditional elements in clothing and the sales of national-style clothing have formed a closed loop, which promotes the development of the national-style clothing consumer market and provides new opportunities for the Chinese clothing industry in terms of trend leadership and cultural export.

When clothing such as horse-faced skirts are extended to daily wear scenes, we have another window to observe cultural confidence. Consumer goods with traditional cultural labels are becoming more and more popular, reflecting people's recognition of traditional culture. This is young people’s affirmation of national fashion consumer goods, and it is also a demonstration of cultural confidence.

Not only clothing, more and more topics related to traditional culture have entered the hot search. For example, Tencent’s location big data shows that visiting museums is becoming a new trend during this Spring Festival holiday. The report pointed out that among the nearly 200 first-level museums across the country, the Wuhou Temple Museum (including Jinli Ancient Street), the Palace Museum, and the Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum are among the most popular. Celebrating the New Year in a museum is also a reflection of people’s cultural needs and reflects the appeal and vitality of traditional culture.

The booming sales of Hanfu horse-face skirts signify what - Image 3

In recent years, traditional culture has continued to heat up. Whether it is the horse-faced skirt craze, the museum craze, the Hanfu craze, or the cultural and creative craze, I believe that with the popularity of traditional culture on social media,With the sharing and dissemination of culture, more and more innovative expressions of traditional culture have entered people's vision. Traditional culture will enter life in a more tangible and sensible way, bringing people a new aesthetic experience.