Why has the Hanfu horse-face skirt suddenly become so popular

Why has the Hanfu horse-face skirt suddenly become so popular

"Horse Face Skirt" has quietly become a new star in the fashion circle? Don't worry, today we will take a closer look at this magical item that leads the unique trend of "Spring's first skirt". Moreover, we will also reveal the secrets of this craze The driving force behind - Caoxian, an originally quiet small county, how to stand out in this fashion storm!

Why has the Hanfu horse-face skirt suddenly become so popular - Image 1

I. The craze of horse-faced skirts

First of all, let's talk about this wonderful new fashion favorite called "horse face skirt". You may have known nothing about this term before, but now, if you look at social media, you will find that it is all the rage. #马面skirt# has been on the hot search list, and a group of young people have flocked to it. People can’t help but wonder what kind of magical existence this horse-faced skirt is.

What is even more surprising is that the center of this fashion trend is not in the first-tier cities, but in a small county - Cao County. Yes, Caoxian County is a well-deserved "Hanfu production base" and has ushered in "tremendous wealth" overnight.

II. The importance of horse-faced skirt

Okay, let’s sort out what Hanfu is and why this horse-faced skirt is so popular. First of all, Hanfu is not just the clothing of the Han Dynasty, but the traditional clothing of the Han people, emphasizing the national attribute of "Han people". The horse-faced skirt is a type of Hanfu, which is characterized by pleated skirt sides, overlapping skirt doors, and lace-up skirt waists, forming a unique structure.

The origin of this structure can be traced back to the spiral skirt of the Song Dynasty. It was designed to facilitate women riding donkeys. The skirt pieces were separated to form a rectangular structure. As for why it is called "horse-faced skirt", there are different opinions in the academic circles, but the most widely accepted theory at present is that "horse-faced skirt" is commonly known as "horse-faced skirt", which refers to the piers and platforms used for military defense in ancient times, which are shaped like defensive walls with skirt pleats. Similar to skirt door formation.

III. The evolution of the horse-faced skirt

The rise of a fashion item is often inseparable from the accumulation and evolution of history. The evolution of the horse-faced skirt can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the horse-faced skirt was mainly one-piece. Over time, there were some differences between the styles of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. The style of the Ming Dynasty is simple and the colors are elegant, while the Qing Dynasty pays attention to pattern design and bright colors, and the skirt doors and skirt sides are morePay attention to decoration.

IV. Reasons why horse-faced skirts are so popular

Why has the Hanfu horse-face skirt suddenly become so popular - Image 2

Why did the horse-faced skirt in this small county arouse such enthusiastic response across the country? The answer is simple. The power of celebrities and online bloggers cannot be underestimated. In 2022, Dior's new product was accused of plagiarizing horse-faced skirts, causing widespread concern. The appearance of actress Xu Jiao set off a craze for horse-faced skirts, and the addition of Fujian Quanzhou Hairpin Flower and Guan Xiaotong added fuel to the fire, making this single product a new darling in the fashion circle.

V. The advantages of wearing horse skirt

Well, now you may be asking, what’s so special about this new fashion star? First of all, its mix-and-match characteristics make it easy to match with fashion. Not being picky about body shape and having low requirements for makeup make many people no longer worry about the daily makeup not being able to support the entire set of Hanfu when wearing Hanfu. In addition, the horse-face skirt has relatively low body requirements and is suitable for both people with a large waist-to-hip ratio and petite people. It is really a versatile item.

VI. The rise of Caoxian

Now, let us turn to Caoxian County, a small place that may be unknown on the map. The reason why Caoxian County can stand out in the Hanfu industry is inseparable from its rich performance costume industry background. It is understood that in more than ten years of development, Caoxian County has formed a complete industrial chain, including plate making, fabrics, cutting, printing, sewing and other links. With business intuition and constant innovation, this small county keenly captured business opportunities in the horse-faced skirt craze and became a leader in this trend.