Timeless Chinese-style Hanfu Horse-Face Skirts

Timeless Chinese-style Hanfu Horse-Face Skirts

The word "national style" comes from the "Book of Songs". Among them, "Wind" contains folk songs from about fifteen vassal states from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, also known as Guofeng.

As for today's national style, no one can give an accurate answer. The national style is changing people's lifestyles and aesthetic standards in a subtle way.

Is the national style the current popularity of horse-faced skirts, or is it the explosion of new Chinese-style clothing? Is it a combination of humanities and food, or is it a cultural creation with traditional elements? Is it the memories of a generation growing up, or is it the adapted music with elegant artistic conception?

I like Hanfu and also like to take photos. The Chinese style will never go out of style

Headdresses with fringed hairpins, exquisite Tang makeup flowers, brightly colored skirts, hand-embroidered fans...

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"Xi'an is the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties. You must visit it at least once in your life. This time, I mainly want to enlighten children on history." The reporter met Ms. Li from Anhui and her two 6-year-old children in the Everlasting City of the Tang Dynasty. Children, two children were wearing complete sets of exquisite Hanfu. Passersby took out their mobile phones to take photos of the children. They would hold their fans, pose, and cooperate with smiles.

"I wanted to take the children to see the Terracotta Warriors and take pictures in Hanfu, so I made a special trip to Xi'an. When I came to Xi'an, I wanted to take some photos that fit the local characteristics." Ms. Li said that she was actually fine, but the two children particularly liked it. National style, some activities in school usually have elements of national style, so children gradually fall in love with it.

"We rent the clothes. For children, a set of clothes and makeup is 188 yuan, and they can be returned within 24 hours." Ms. Li told reporters that adults' clothes and styles are more complicated than children's, and the relative price will be slightly more expensive. , they plan to wear the Hanfu they brought after returning their clothes tomorrow.

"I just wanted to come to Xi'an to wear Hanfu and take photos as souvenirs, because I usually don't have the opportunity to come into contact with these. This time I just want to experience it and keep it as a souvenir." Ms. Li prepares one or two sets of traditional costumes for her children a year because they like it very much. , although the weather turned cloudy and dark, but fortunately I chose brightly colored clothes, and the parents and children were very satisfied with the photos taken.

Xi'an is the most representative city with Chinese style

"I watch things like calligraphy cakes and Big Wild Goose Pagoda ice cream on the Internet every day. I'm so greedy for Xi'an." Chen Xiao and her boyfriend Xiao Xu came to Xi'an from Nanjing in 1998. Chen Xiao, who is usually interested in national customs and traditional culture, has been yearning for Xi'an a few years ago, and the broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala this time has strengthened her determination to come to Xi'an.

"I'm usually interested in some Chinese-style things, and I also like to wear Hanfu and buy some cultural and creative items. I think Xi'an is a representative city with Chinese style, so we came here." Chen Xiao told Reporter, the packaging of local milk tea brands in Xi'an is very special. The paper cups with "Eight Scenes of Chang'an" printed on them make her want to collect them all.

"Not only milk tea, but also 'Written Brush' and 'Fei Zixiao'. I read on the Internet that the pens, inks, papers and inkstones are all edible. I will definitely try them all this time." Chen, who usually loves ancient customs. Xiao, this time is ready to "catch them all". The "Terra Warriors Qi Ice Cream" from the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the "Matcha Tiger Talisman" from the Shaanxi Libo Museum, and the "Fu Tea Bricks" in the shape of a bell tower are all on Chen Xiao's wish list. “Educable cultural creations like this make me feel like I’ve ‘eaten’ history into my stomach, and I’m also a cultural person.” She said with a smile.

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"Food is the most important thing for the people, and people have to eat every day, but it is really creative to combine the traditional Chinese culture with food. Xi'an is really cool!" Xiao Xu said, whether it is the antique decoration The style, as well as the unique dishes, all bring tourists directly into the "prosperous Chang'an". The rich Shaanxi characteristics and literary atmosphere are all there, which is not only interesting but also delicious, making diners come in an endless stream.

The charm of Chinese style music is that it can turn an ordinary song into a good one

"I grew up listening to Chinese-style music, and Jay Chou was my first teacher when I was a child." Xiao Tang is a loyal fan of rap music. The 24-year-old has been deeply influenced by Chinese-style music since she was in elementary school.

"National style music is more in the direction of Chinese style. For example, the previous "Grand Ear" and "Hongzhao Yuan", you may not knowI don’t know the name, but everyone must have heard that song once it was released. "As an avid lover of Chinese-style songs, Xiao Tang said that he added traditional Chinese instruments such as guzheng, chime, and harp to bring an elegant and traditional artistic conception to his monotonous arrangement, and cast a layer of mystery and culture. Mirror.

"Just like people of our age, the earliest inspiration for Chinese style was from Jay Chou, and then slowly evolved into the Chinese style music, Chinese style rap, etc. that have been very popular in recent years." Xiao Tang said Including some related to culture and tourism, its derivative music is also such national style songs, which means adding some expressions of classical Chinese or ancient proverbs into the songs, or incorporating some poetry content.

"There is a clip in "All or Nothing" that is particularly popular on social media. It is the scene of Wang Chuanjun worshiping Buddha. The soundtrack is an ancient version of "Jingwei". It is very nice and I listen to it every day." Xiao Tang told reporters that "Jingwei" itself It is a rock-style song, but elements of Chinese style are injected into the film. The adaptation makes the song more expressive and charming, and it also arouses great resonance among the audience.