What is the future of Hanfu cultural inheritance

What is the future of Hanfu cultural inheritance

Recently, a woman wearing Hanfu took photos at the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang. Tourists passing by pointed and said, "Wow, kimono!" This sparked heated discussions among netizens.

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After being questioned, the woman randomly retorted: "This is Hanfu!" The photographer also said: "Who said it was a kimono? Go to the museum more!"

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Hanfu is recognized as kimono. This is not a simple cognitive problem, it is a tragedy for Han culture!

Hanfu, also known as Chinese clothing, refers to the unique style of clothing system formed by the Han nationality and its ancestors during the long-term historical development process.

The history of Hanfu can be traced back to ancient times, and the earliest form may come from the clothing of the Neolithic Age. With the development of society and technological progress, Hanfu has gradually formed a complete clothing system. During the Zhou Dynasty, clothing began to have a clearer hierarchy. People of different status wore different clothing, which reflected a strict etiquette system.

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In the Han Dynasty, Hanfu entered its heyday, with more detailed regulations on clothing styles, colors, decorations, etc., forming a complete clothing system. The Hanfu of the Han Dynasty is famous for its simple and smooth lines, loose and comfortable tailoring, and elegant style, which has influenced Chinese clothing culture for thousands of years.

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During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Hanfu culture further prospered and developed, with more diversified styles and richer colors. The Hanfu of the Tang Dynasty was famous for its gorgeousness, luxury and colorfulness, reflecting the openness and prosperity of society at that time. Hanfu in the Song Dynasty paid more attention to the practicality and comfort of clothing, and the style tended to be simple and restrained.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the styles and production techniques of Hanfu reached a new height, and the decoration of the clothing became more sophisticated, reflecting the extremely high level of craftsmanship. However, with the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the status of Hanfu was impacted and was gradually replaced by Manchu cheongsam and mandarin jacket.

Hanfu, as the traditional costume of the Chinese nation, carries thousands of years of cultural history and deep national emotions. However, with the changes of the times, the popularity of Hanfu in daily life has gradually decreased. In contrast, as a symbol of Japanese culture, the kimono enjoys a high "popularity" at home and abroad. This difference in cultural cognition reveals the dilemma of internal inheritance of Han culture.

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Faced with this current situation, we cannot help but ask: Where will the inheritance of Chinese culture go? We need to strengthen the education and popularization of Han culture so that more people can understand the historical and cultural value of Hanfu, thereby enhancing national cultural confidence. Secondly, by organizing various cultural exchange activities, such as Hanfu Festival, Han culture exhibitions, etc., let Han culture go to the world and increase its international influence. In addition, modern society should encourage and support the innovative design of Hanfu so that it not only retains the traditional charm but also conforms to modern aesthetics and attracts the participation and love of more young people.