Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down?

Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down?

Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down? - Image 1


Zhou Fangying


Lou Qinqin




Renaissance of Hanfu


that started in 2021

is in the ascendant, but many well-known Hanfu brands have collapsed recently. Down.

Since the beginning of 2022, three Hanfu brands, Huajianxi, Ducheng Nanzhuang, and Yijin Jiudu, have successively announced the closure of their stores, triggering heated discussions among many Hanfu fans on social media such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo.

Among them, Huajianxi and Yijinjiu are both new stores established four or five years ago, and have quickly accumulated a certain fan base with a relatively high cost performance of 100 yuan. Since the Hanfu circle attaches great importance to antiques, the founders of Hanfu brands often call themselves




. Talking about the reason for closing the store, both Hua Jianxi and Yi Jinjiu said on Weibo,


The shopkeepers


hope to find a new life and can no longer maintain it. Hanfu business.

Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down? - Image 2 Source: Weibo

Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down? - Image 3 Source: Weibo

The city, which was established nearly ten years ago,Chengnanzhuang is even on many recommended lists for beginners of Hanfu, and its price range is within the hundred-yuan range that ordinary consumers can reach. What surprised many Hanfu enthusiasts was that Ducheng Nanzhuang had continued to sell new products in the first two months, but suddenly announced in


that it would close the store for clearance, and some new products were sold directly as


Discount new ones.

However, Ducheng Nanzhuang stated on its official Weibo account that the company’s

Ducheng Nanzhuang

brands and

Little Capital

Children’s clothing brands are looking for transfer opportunities. This means that the brand may change ownership in the future and be operated by a new team.

Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down? - Image 4 Picture source: Weibo

This also makes some Hanfu consumers directly think of another old Hanfu brand that announced the closure of stores in the middle of


Lan Ruoting


. Lan Ruoting is regarded as the originator of




in the Hanfu circle. Although a complete set of Hanfu only costs 100 yuan, the overall design is novel and the workmanship is excellent. Lan Ruoting's popularity has caused many well-known Hanfu stores to start lowering their prices.


in mid-2021

, Lan Ruoting also posted on Weibo that he would carry out


brand reorganization


. The Taobao store was closed and Weibo information was cleared. But many fans are still waiting for the brand to reopen after internal restructuring.

It can be seen that the Hanfu brands currently experiencing store closures are basically entry-level priced Hanfu brands. In fact, from the perspective of production technology and design, the production of Hanfu is more complicated than that of ordinary clothing brands, and it is not easy to find a cooperative factory. At the same time, the Hanfu brand, which is still a niche brand, will face greater pressure on production costs because the order volume is not as large as that of commercial brands.

On the other hand, the gradual emergence of Hanfu in recent years has brought greater competitive pressure to this originally niche industry.


May 13

of 2021

, Tianyancha released data showing that there were more than


in our country. p> Hanfu-related enterprises whose status is active, existing, moving in, or moving out.


are individual industrial and commercial households, and


are limited liability companies.

Among them, more than


% of Hanfu-related companies (all company status) registeredIn the past


years. Specifically, in


, the number of new Hanfu-related companies and the growth rate of registration reached their peak, with the number of new Hanfu-related companies exceeding


that year.

In 2020

, my country has added


more Hanfu-related companies.

In addition, in mid-2021

Cao County, Heze, Shandong became popular on the Internet, and Hanfu, one of the local pillar industries, also entered the public eye. According to the "


Hanfu Industry Report", the highest proportion of colleagues who choose Hanfu priced between




yuan account for


. Most of the Hanfu in this price range comes from Daji Town in Cao County.

To a certain extent, the concentration of industry chain resources can help lower the threshold for entering an industry, but it can also easily breed chaos.

In 2019

, the leading Hanfu brand


Han Shang Lianhua


sued a Hanfu merchant in Cao County for copycat plagiarism and won the case. end.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of plagiarism chaos in the Hanfu circle. Due to the high cost of protecting intellectual property rights in the apparel industry, most brands that operate Hanfu business in the form of self-employed individuals do not have enough energy and financial resources to combat plagiarism in real time. With many people entering the Hanfu industry and industry regulations still imperfect, the development space for original Hanfu designs has been compressed.

Branded Stores Closing at Low Prices, Is the Hanfu Craze Cooling Down? - Image 5 Image source: Ducheng Nanzhuang Weibo

Even if the competition within the industry becomes fiercer, the upsurge of the Hanfu industry that has been growing year after year has still attracted the attention of some brands. However, in the past five years, only Shisanyu, Chi Shangyue, Huihui Hantang, and Zaiyi Xinghui have received financing. If you include the




collection store that combines


uniforms, Lolita and Hanfu,


In 2017, two collection store brands, Twelve Light Years and Poetry and Wanhua Mirror, received financing.

But compared with the financing boom in the beauty industry, the Hanfu industry can be said to be quite calm. In fact, this is also related to the exclusive nature of the Hanfu circle itself. There has been endless debate in the Hanfu circle about the exquisite shape of Hanfu and whether improved Hanfu is considered Hanfu.

Correspondingly, consumers also spontaneously respond to different brands’Design patterns to form a fixed fan base. Once a brand design changes and causes controversy, it is easy to lose its stable customer base, thus affecting its performance. From another perspective, this has also become a potential obstacle for Hanfu to reach the public.