Chinese Sisters Rock the Streets of America in Hanfu

Chinese Sisters Rock the Streets of America in Hanfu 01:55

Recently, there is such a young lady on the Internet. She draws the wonderful moments of traveling with her little sisters into comics, and then combines the clips of real people with the comics. Made into a video. In these works, the ladies were posing in Hanfu just a few seconds ago, but in the blink of an eye they turned into fixed-frame ancient-style cartoons, humorous and cute. Netizens left messages one after another: "It's expressive, smart, and contagious. It heals me every time I watch it."

Recently, the Yangtze Evening News Ziniu News contacted the creator "The Little Sparrow of Painting". She has loved painting since she was a child and is currently working in Works as a full-time character designer at Pixar Animation Company in the United States. She told reporters: "Initially, I dressed up in Hanfu and 'bombed the streets' with my little sisters, just for fun. I didn't expect the video to be so popular when it was posted online." She hopes to spread happiness and better promote Chinese traditional culture abroad.

She drew herself and her friends into ancient comics

Reality turns to the "second dimension"

The video works of netizen "Little Sparrow Painting" can be seen on major domestic short video websites and foreign social platforms. She combines live-action appearances with comics, with an interesting style and bright colors. The characters in the comics are full of exaggerated shapes and expressions, and the works are eclectic. The ancient comics are particularly outstanding. The ladies are dressed in Hanfu, and they look like ancient Chinese ladies.

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Cartoon lady pictures are smart and cute

"Painting Little Sparrow" My surname is Xin, a girl from Jinan, Shandong Province. She is 29 years old and currently works as a full-time character designer at Pixar Animation Company in the United States. She admitted that the idea of ​​the video was not her own, but the comic was created by herself. "The ancient style comics are based on some ancient style videos we shot. It started with a few little sisters wearing Hanfu to make videos together. Later, a friend suggested converting the interesting and cute moments into comics and then synthesizing them into a new video." She said, this It is a video creation that transfers reality to the second dimension, which I find quite fresh.

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The comics record the beautiful moments of her outing with her sisters

"Little Sparrow Painting" said that traveling with his sisters to shoot videos is more casual. "We are all friends who like Hanfu. We go to a scenic spot and think about what inspirations we see. Basically we shoot while playing. The process is free and relaxing, not staged, but a real state of play.” She feels that in such a relaxed state, very interesting expressions and movements can be captured. With these materials, we draw sketches based on the intercepted videos to determine the characters and the overall picture. After finding the general direction, we further develop the details and then complete the ancient style comics. Instantly add music to the video, and a real person appears in the sceneThe new video work combined with the comic is complete.

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The comics are lively, cute and very expressive

"At first it was just for fun, I didn’t expect it to go viral after posting it on the Internet.” She told reporters that most of the comments from netizens were “very cute”, “very smart”, “the atmosphere is very contagious”, etc. "Everyone thinks that the atmosphere of sisters wearing Hanfu and playing unscrupulously on the street is very relaxing. Maybe this is why everyone likes it." As the attention of her work increased, more friends were attracted by it. She brought it in, "Sometimes when I post it on Moments, other friends will say, 'Oh, it looks great, please bring me with you next time.' Then our team grows stronger and stronger."

Wearing Hanfu and brazenly "blow up the streets"

Being watched and praised by foreigners

"Huahua's little sparrow" came into contact with Hanfu after the epidemic started. "Because I am abroad, I miss home, so I like to read things about traditional Chinese culture and see things on the Internet.I admired the young lady wearing Hanfu with all kinds of fairy spirit, so I tried it on myself and gradually fell in love with it. "She said, "Many foreign friends think it is beautiful after seeing it, and they will come to ask me, and I will tell them that this is Chinese Hanfu, some from the Tang Dynasty, and some from the Wei and Jin Dynasties. At that time, I felt that it was quite a sense of accomplishment and very happy to educate them on a little science. ”

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"The Painting Little Sparrow" and her sisters wore Hanfu on the streets of the United States to "blow up the streets"

"When our little sisters wear Hanfu and walk on the streets of the United States, many Americans will watch. People passing by often say things like, 'You look good' or 'I like your hat'. In fact, they don't Yes, use the cloak as a hat."

"The Painted Little Sparrow" and her sisters will be able to travel in Hanfu with confidence. , enjoy this experience. "I often encounter people asking for a group photo or wanting to take a photo of us." However, she also told reporters that when she first started wearing Hanfu, some people would ask: "Which country are you wearing Hanfu? Is it Japan?" Is it Korean?" At this time, she would correct it: "This is Chinese Hanfu." Then she would get a compliment, "It's really beautiful." She feels that as a designer who works and lives overseas, drawing something about Chinese culture and posting it online can help more foreigners understand China's Hanfu culture.

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"Painting Little Sparrow" and her sisters travel in Hanfu

"Some netizens used to think that to wear Hanfu, you have to look like a celebrity, be white and fair, and be very thin, so that you can look good in Hanfu." She told reporters, but now everyone has changed their minds after seeing her video: "We It’s a very life-like state. You don’t have to look concave like a model, and you don’t need to look like a fashion blockbuster. As long as you have confidence, you can look like yourself no matter what your appearance or body type is. ”

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She is beautiful and fashionable in life

A comic heals people

Will continue to update the works to deliver happiness

"The little sparrow who painted" learned dancing, playing the piano, and calligraphy when he was a child , but in the end she chose painting because she felt it was something that made her happy, “I have been painting every day since I was 3 years old, and I have never stopped. "She feels that she is a lucky person. She not only carries out her hobby to the end, but also combines it with her work.

"My own paintings It can also spread happiness to others and make people healed. She shared a short story with reporters, "One day I suddenly received a comment under the video. It was a younger sister. She said that she had her birthday tomorrow and asked me to help her draw a cartoon of her mother celebrating her birthday with her. Her mother has passed away for 6 years. She misses her mother very much, and she said that she is very tired trying to support the family. The moment I received the message, my heart was touched and I immediately agreed. Having lost a loved one myself, I could relate to her especially, and it was a request I couldn't refuse. ”

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"The Painted Little Sparrow" and her sisters travel in Hanfu

Later, the "Drawing Little Sparrow" drew a cartoon of the girl and her mother sharing a birthday. In the picture, both of them are wearing birthday hats, with a birthday cake in front of them. The mother is hugging her daughter from behind with a kind face, while the daughter has a happy face, with her mother's shadow in the corner of her eye. After the photo was sent to the netizen, the netizen was very happy and sent several "thank you"s in succession.

"Painting Little Sparrow" introduction. During the exchange, we learned that this netizen did not expect a response at all. Maybe she just wanted to talk, but her reply made her happy. "If my paintings can make others happy, One point is something meaningful. ” she said.

"The little sparrow who painted" told reporters that in order to increase the freshness of the video, she also painted the sisters It has become an interesting animal comic. In the future, I will try various different painting styles to convey happiness. "As an ordinary little painter who loves Hanfu, I will also continue to update my works on foreign social platforms to let more of foreigners see the beauty of China’s Hanfu. ”

Ziniu News Reporter|Chen Yong

Editor | Zhang Bingjing

Editor | Wan Huijuan

Editor-in-Chief | Chen Dichen

Source of material: Provided by interviewees

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