Two Insiders Share Their Stories with Hanfu

Two Insiders Share Their Stories with Hanfu 02:29·Poster News reporter Du Hongxiao Bi Shengguo reported from Jinan

In the diversified Internet era, countless niche "circles" have emerged frequently Appearing in the public eye, "Hanfu Circle" is one of them. Most of what people call Hanfu today originates from ancient traditional clothing. After being improved according to modern clothing wearing habits, it has evolved into clothing that is unique and easier to put on and take off.

Nowadays, you can often see groups of young people wearing Hanfu on the streets. They express their love for folk culture in their own way, allowing more people to see the inheritance and youth of national style. A novel expression of form. Why do young people love Hanfu so much? What does Hanfu mean to them? Recently,·Poster News talked to many Hanfu enthusiasts to learn about their stories with Hanfu.

From love to career: a 27-year-old "talented woman" runs a Hanfu experience center alone

There is a Hanfu experience center near Jinan Quancheng Road that has been operating for many years. The 27-year-old store owner Xie Mingli is a young and beautiful girl who is very familiar with the thousands of Hanfu sets in the store. Xie Mingli is an "enthusiastic fan" of Hanfu. She has been completely "involved" since she first put on Hanfu in 2016.

“My attitude towards Hanfu is ‘from appearance’ to ‘loyalty to culture’.” Xie Mingli said, “Each set of clothing has a unique charm and a story behind it. This is what makes me most excited. It’s a fascinating place.”

At first, Xie Mingli, who was still in college, just bought and wore Hanfu by herself. Gradually, her friends around her got into the trap, and gradually there was a stir in the school. "Hanfu" style.

Picture: 27-year-old Xie Mingli owns a Hanfu experience center in Jinan. She has been running this store since her internship in her fourth year of college. (Photo by Bi Sheng,·Poster News reporter)

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Picture: Xie Mingli is a Hanfu enthusiast. She was completely obsessed with wearing Hanfu for the first time in 2016. (Photo by·Poster News reporter Bi Sheng)

Under some circumstances, Xie Mingli used her senior internship period to open a "Floating Life Like a Dream Hanfu Experience Center" so that more people can Learn about Hanfu culture through experience. "Most of the customers at the beginning were college students and girls in their 20s. Now the age span of the customers is getting wider and wider." Xie Mingli told reporters that there are more and more customers in the store and the age span is getting wider and wider. The career distribution is also getting wider and wider, which gives her a great sense of accomplishment.

“Although it is not my efforts to promote Hanfu until now, I do my best to make every customer who comes into the store to experience Hanfu fall in love with Hanfu and become a repeat customer.” Since the store opened in 2019, Xie Mingli The store has been upgraded and renovated, expanding the photo studio and adding a dressing room. In her words, she was also a customer and she knows what customers need.

Xie Mingli told reporters that although she is the only one in the store who is busy now, she does not feel the hard work because of her love. “Every time after doing makeup for a customer, I look in the mirror. When they are happy, I feel extremely satisfied.”

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Picture: While Xie Mingli loves Hanfu, she continues to promote Hanfu and Hanfu culture. (Photo by Bi Sheng,·Poster News reporter)

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Picture: Under her influence, many of her friends have become Hanfu enthusiasts. The customers in her store have gradually expanded from the initial group of college students to children, middle-aged people, etc. (Photo by·Poster News reporter Bi Sheng)

When wearing Hanfu becomes the norm: passers-by finally look at it differently

Just this year Zhang Yang, a college graduate, is a short video operator. For her, her childhood dream has finally come true. She can wear Hanfu to and from get off work every day without being looked at strangely by others.

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Picture: Zhang Yang, who just graduated from college this year, is a short video operator. She came into contact with Hanfu by chance and gradually fell in love with it. (Photo by·Poster News reporter Bi Sheng)

“When I was a child, I would put on a bed sheet as a robe and a pillow as a headdress.” When he was a child, Zhang Yang was influenced by TV dramas and watched the protagonist wearing a robe. As he walked, his clothes were flowing and he looked very proud. Zhang Yang told reporters that when her parents were not at home, she would put on sheets and curtains and tie her hair up with pillow towels, pretending that she was also a character in the play.

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Picture: Zhang Yang said that she watched ancient costumes when she was a childIn the play, bed sheets are used as robes and pillow towels are used as decorations to imitate the characters in the play. (Photo by Bi Sheng, reporter of·Poster News)

In 2017, Zhang Yang, who was in her third year of high school, accidentally saw a short video that let her know that Hanfu also existed in modern times. When Hanfu became popular rapidly, I accidentally came across a video clip on my phone, and I felt it was really beautiful, just like I imagined it would be like when I was a child."

After graduating from high school, Zhang Yang took advantage of the little money he had. I bought my first Hanfu with pocket money. “I must be very excited. I didn’t have much pocket money at that time, so I carefully selected it online and compared prices, and finally selected a set of Hanfu. I was very excited when I received the goods. ”

Wearing that Hanfu, Zhang Yang and his classmates truly stepped into the “Hanfu circle” that summer. "While walking on the road, some people will look at us secretly, ask us if we are opera singers, and ask where we are performing." Zhang Yang told reporters that most people come up to understand because they think the clothes are beautiful, but some people will Talking quietly behind their backs.

Picture: At first, when Zhang Yang was walking on the street wearing Hanfu, people would often ask him if he was a model or actor, and he would feel shy. (Photo by Bi Sheng,·Poster News reporter)

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Picture: Today, Zhang Yang works part-time as a photographer after work, taking photos of others wearing Hanfu. (Photo by·Poster News reporter Bi Sheng)

As soon as he entered the university campus, Zhang Yang quickly found a like-minded person.They will travel together in Hanfu and take beautiful photos together. "They will make very good friends. Now that they have graduated from college, they still keep in touch."

Nowadays, Zhang Yang not only meets them every day I wear Hanfu to and from get off work, and I also work part-time to take Hanfu photos for friends who like Hanfu. "I hang more than fifty sets of Hanfu on one hanger, and I also share them with the little sisters who come to me to take photos."

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Picture: Makeup and hairstyle are also very particular. For this reason, she specially learned how to put her hair up. (Photo by Bi Sheng,·Poster News reporter)

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Picture: Zhang Yang often sets up his mobile phone at home, sets up a good scene, and takes beautiful photos of himself in Hanfu. (Photo by Bi Sheng,·Poster News reporter)

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Picture: Zhang Yang after coming into contact with HanfuI learned photography and retouching. (Photo by·Poster News reporter Bi Sheng)

In order to match the Hanfu of different dynasties, she also went to other places to learn hair-twisting techniques. In Zhang Yang's life, Hanfu has become an indispensable part.

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Picture: Zhang Yang will post photos and videos of himself wearing Hanfu on his Douyin account. (Photo by·Poster News reporter Bi Sheng)