Showcasing the Beauty of Hanfu to the World

Showcasing the Beauty of Hanfu to the World


Zhen Wen

Showcasing the Beauty of Hanfu to the World - Image 1

The scene of recent events held by Melbourne Hanfu Club. Photo provided by the interviewee

Wearing elegant Tang skirts, a group of international students who love traditional Chinese culture held a unique spring skirt banquet on the green lawns of Melbourne, Australia. They let overseas friends feel the charm of Chinese Hanfu and brought everyone a unique Chinese cultural experience.

There is a Hanfu club in Melbourne

Overseas, Hanfu culture is becoming more and more popular. "Melbourne Hanfu Club was previously a student interest club at the University of Melbourne, Australia." Jin Qianying, president of the Hanfu Club and a graduate student in urban planning at the University of Melbourne, said, "As time goes by, more and more students from other schools who are interested in Hanfu also want to Join us. Later, we expanded the Hanfu Club to the whole of Melbourne.”

Not long ago, the Hanfu Club held the “Spring Skirt Banquet” Hanfu cultural event locally. Jin Qianying said: “This time we carefully The park was decorated, friends who love Hanfu were invited to take photos and check in, and it also created a social occasion for everyone. On that day, many people said that they not only appreciated the charm of Hanfu culture, but also made like-minded friends. ”

Talking about her fate with Hanfu, Jin Qianying said that she was deeply attracted by the unique design of Hanfu in high school. Later, she gradually learned more about the history and culture behind Hanfu. While studying abroad, she joined the Melbourne Hanfu Club and became its president. "I hope that through this platform, I can share my love for Hanfu with more people and let more people feel the beauty of Hanfu." Jin Qianying said.

Liu Xinru, a student at the University of Melbourne, is the director of the design department of Hanfu Society. She grew up in the "Home of Hanfu". Liu Xinru said: "When I was a child, I followed my mother to participate in many activities for Hanfu enthusiasts. At that time, everyone wore Hanfu and spent traditional festivals together. In my opinion, Hanfu is not only beautiful clothes, but also a cultural treasure. I also learned Chinese painting, classical dance, guzheng, love Chinese traditional art and culture from the bottom of my heart.”

Nowadays, Melbourne Hanfu Club has accounts on many social media platforms and publishes various Hanfu.Photos and videos of activities and daily activities of the club. The Internet platform has allowed Melbourne Hanfu Society to attract more people’s attention and participation.

More and more people are falling in love with Hanfu

Talk about the most impressive event, Jin Qianying recalled with great interest: "The Hanfu Society was invited by the Australian-Chinese History Museum. Participated in Melbourne Fashion Week and planned a special event called 'Yunmo Nishang Hanfu Restoration Show'. Our members did some homework, studied the evolution of Hanfu in different historical periods, and imitated the characters in ancient paintings from each period. The form, movements and makeup presented a visual feast to the audience."

The poster of that event was hung in the square of the Australian Chinese History Museum and became a "network" for local citizens to take photos. "Red" attraction.

In addition, the Melbourne Hanfu Society has also held many exciting activities, such as the China-Australia Culture and Hanfu Exchange Conference, the New Year Hanfu Catwalk, and the Australian Division of the "Chinese Dresses" Hanfu Model Contest.

In the "Chinese Dresses" Hanfu Model Contest, member Zhu Shiyan is one of the contestants. Zhu Shiyan said: "At that time, in order to better understand the wearing etiquette of Hanfu, I also studied ancient poems, traditional festival customs and etiquette norms. I still remember that before the game, I repeatedly practiced catwalk movements and expressions, hoping to perform well on the field. Showing the charm and cultural spirit of Hanfu."

Jin Qianying said: "During the competition, we were surprised to find that many local Australians came to watch the game wearing Hanfu, which made us feel excited. More and more foreigners are beginning to understand, appreciate and fall in love with Chinese Hanfu, which is consistent with our original intention of organizing the event."

Liu Xinru made a special friend during the event held by the Hanfu Club. Liu Xinru said: "She is a local girl. The first time I met her was at the Hanfu Model Contest. She was wearing beautiful Hanfu and hair accessories. I was surprised to find that she could accurately identify the costumes of different dynasties. Later I learned , this little girl became interested in Hanfu and Chinese culture because of her love for Chinese costume TV series, and she also chose Chinese major in school. I am deeply proud to see more and more people fall in love with Hanfu. "

The combination of Hanfu and daily wear

In communicating with many Hanfu enthusiasts, Jin Qianying discovered that in order for Hanfu culture to be widely disseminated, in addition to organizing a variety of activities, it is also necessary to Closely integrate Hanfu with modern life.

“Clothing serves people. Friends who like Hanfu can choose to wear traditional Hanfu when traveling, or they can cleverly integrate Hanfu elements into daily wear.” Jin Qianying said, “In daily wear, We try to add classic Hanfu elements such as buckles and entangled flowers to combine Hanfu with modern fashion. This ingenious idea has attracted many foreign friends to learn from it.”

Zhu Shiyan has the same experience: "During the competition, I deliberately chose an improved Hanfu. I think the improved Hanfu not only shows the traditional charm of Hanfu, but also incorporates modern aesthetics."

Jin Qianying believes that,Hanfu shows the beauty of different styles. She said: "Hanfu has a long history and rich styles, including Tang, Song, Ming and other styles. It is not limited by body shape, and everyone can wear it with their own unique charm."

Jin Qianying said: "We will also hold Hanfu exhibitions, Hanfu knowledge lectures, and street tours in the future. Currently, we are preparing a street tour that combines classical dance and folk music. We hope that through this form, more people can experience the profound and profound cultural heritage. Chinese traditional culture”