Travel Back to the Han and Tang Dynasties in Just 40 Minutes to See Hanfu

Travel Back to the Han and Tang Dynasties in Just 40 Minutes to See Hanfu

In Xi'an, Shaanxi, there is such a young person who seems to have the magic power to recreate the old times. Apply powder, draw eyebrows, dot lips, put on Hanfu, and put on hair accessories. In less than an hour, a modern girl traveled back to the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Let us get closer to the "post-00s" Hanfu makeup artist Hu Xinyin and see how she makes modern people and ancient people meet in costume.

With a touch of willow eyebrows and a royal bun, under Hu Xinyin’s skillful hands, the makeup of a “Yang Guifei” was completed in less than 40 minutes. Hu Xinyin also specially added some special makeup to the bun. Ancient ornament "Bu Yao".

Hu Xinyin, who seems to have a lot of research on Hanfu styles, is only 24 years old this year. Hu Xinyin told reporters that in the past few years, with everyone's love for traditional culture, Hanfu museums have sprung up in Xi'an. . Hu Xinyin, who felt the "Hanfu craze", quit her original wedding and makeup job at the beginning of 2022 and applied for a job as a Hanfu stylist at a Hanfu museum near the Twelve Hours themed district in Chang'an.

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Hanfu stylist Hu Xinyin: When I first got involved in this, I didn’t know much about how to wear Tang Dynasty cultural clothes and how to style them. I basically didn’t understand. I just followed my own path.

Having no understanding of traditional culture and being somewhat "arbitrary" in makeup, Hu Xinyin quickly encountered a "bottleneck".

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Fu Xiaocen, the person in charge of the Hanfu Museum: Young people accept new things very quickly. For example, what is the most popular makeup at the moment?, what is the most popular hairstyle right now. But one thing that may be lacking is the understanding of culture.

After much thought, Hu Xinyin made a decision. She asked the person in charge of the Hanfu Museum for a long leave to study in Chengdu.

Hanfu makeup artist Hu Xinyin: Because there is a very famous makeup artist in Chengdu who has filmed TV series, and I studied under him for nearly two months.

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In the past two months, Hu Xinyin said that her biggest gain was not only the improvement of her makeup skills, but more importantly, her knowledge of popular clothing and accessories in different historical periods, which deepened her understanding of traditional Chinese culture. understanding.

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Hua Dian is a kind of flower ornament that ancient women decorated on their foreheads. Now Hu Xinyin not only matches different styles of flower mother-of-pearl according to the customer's age, face shape and clothing style, but also explains some traditional culture to the ladies. Hu Xinyin said that if you want to do better, you must watch more and learn more.

Hanfu stylist Hu Xinyin: I went to Dunhuang last year to see what the makeup and hair were like there. There are many makeup methods there, and I have learned some of them since I came back. I will also integrate them according to the murals and modern times. Light restoration restores ancient beauty, but also has modern beauty.

Today, Hu Xinyin, who was born in 2000, is already a team leader in the Hanfu Museum. In addition to doing makeup for customers on a daily basis, she is also the little leader of four other post-00s Hanfu stylists, and is often too busy to take care of eating.

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Hanfu stylist Hu Xinyin: During the May Day holiday, there is a lot of traffic during the winter and summer vacations, and you basically have to queue up and have your number called. A makeup artist can do 40 makeups a day without eating, drinking, or going to the toilet. But for us, although it is very hard, the results are good. After I finished applying makeup to a customer, the customer was very satisfied, and then the customer praised the makeup artist for how beautiful the makeup was. I felt a great sense of accomplishment at that time.

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After a busy day of work, Hu Xinyin got on the bus home. Hu Xinyin said that although it was tiring, she felt very satisfied that through her skillful hands, she could not only make people wearing Hanfu a part of the city's scenery, but also allow them to understand and spread traditional culture.