The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan

This May, Shaoguan Danxia Mountain Scenic Area holds its first Hanfu Culture Month event. On May 2, a Hanfu wedding cultural performance was staged at the foot of Elder Peak, recreating the dignified and romantic "Three Books and Six Etiquettes" and "Fengguan Xiapei" for the audience. There are also free Hanfu experience activities on site, as well as interactive experience activities such as ancient tea stalls, traditional jewelry stalls, and Guqin performances, allowing visitors to experience the charm of Hanfu culture while enjoying the magnificent scenery of Danxia Mountain.

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 2

As the Tang Dynasty-made Hanfu wedding performance progressed, tourists became more enthusiastic about watching traditional cultural performances. The traditional Chinese Han wedding performance came to an end with the ceremony of welcoming the bride, fanning ceremony, tonglao ceremony, and tying the couple's hair. .

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 3

In addition to performances, Danxia Mountain Scenic Area also invites Hanfu culture enthusiasts toLonghu Tourist Area has carried out multiple rounds of Hanfu parade activities, interacting with tourists at close range, setting up many ancient-style check-in scenes, and thoughtfully providing Hanfu experience activities areas to enhance the Hanfu cultural experience. The misty weather, coupled with the exquisite ancient Hanfu, visiting Danxia Mountain is like entering a forgotten ancient world.

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 5

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 6

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 7

In addition, Danxia Mountain Scenic Area has also carried out a series of science popularization activities, such as outdoor astronomy, outdoor insect exploration, geological handicraft practice, ecological handicraft practice and other high-quality study courses, allowing tourists to learn more about the natural beauty while appreciating the natural beauty. Natural science knowledge. The launch of these activities not only enriches the tourists' travel experience, but also improves their scientific literacy.

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 8

The First Hanfu Cultural Event Opens at Danxia Mountain in Shaoguan - Image 9

Danxia Mountain is the first of the four famous mountains in Guangdong and the most extraordinary mountain in Lingnan. Since 1988, it has been honored as a World Natural Heritage, a World Geopark, a National Key Scenic Area, a National Geological and Landform Nature Reserve, and a National AAAAA Tourist Area. , with unique natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage.

The total area of ​​Danxia Mountain is 292 square kilometers. The highest peak, Bazhai, is 619.2 meters above sea level. The Danxia landform is composed of unique red sandy conglomerate. Under the action of weathering, these rock masses have formed all kinds of strange square mountains, stone walls, stone peaks, stone pillars, etc., which are famous all over the world as "Red Cliff Cliff" and known as "China's Red Stone Park".

According to reports, by holding a series of activities such as science popularization and Hanfu experience, the scenic spot not only displays the beauty of nature, but also inherits and promotes the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Danxia Mountain is known as the "eternal Danxia crowning Lingnan". In addition to its ecological value, Danxia Mountain and Sea are rich in history and culture, such as the "Cliff Stone Carving Group" carved on the cliff, which makes it feel like entering a huge natural calligraphy exhibition. Among them, many literati with lofty ideals left "pens and inks" here. There is the "Buying Mountain Notes" left by the Li brothers more than a hundred years ago, which can be used to infer the currency circulation data of the people at that time. There are also the current records left by the King of Guanzhong in the Qing Dynasty. The stone carving with the word "Danxia".

The unique landform and climate of Shaoguan Danxia Mountain have created its rich biodiversity. According to reports, in recent years, researchers have successively published in Danxia Mountain Selaginella orientalis, Danxia iron horse whip, Danxia cold water flower, fragrant water flower, Danxia commeldera, Danxia single-branch bamboo, Jinglan sedum, Danxia mountain holly Waiting for many new species. As of January 2024, 2,318 species of plants have been discovered, 282 species of birds, 29 species of amphibians, 72 species of reptiles, 49 species of mammals, etc. have been discovered; a total of 41 new species of animals and plants have been discovered and named.

The successful holding of the "May Day" Hanfu event in Danxia Mountain allows tourists to feel the perfect combination of nature and culture, and also injects new vitality into the development of the scenic spot.

Text and pictures | Reporter Ouyang Zhiqiang Correspondent Huang Ru