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chinese fashion yellow, hanfu vs hanbok, how to pronounce hanfu

"Hummer Candy",

As the name suggests,

Eating this kind of candy will make you full of energy and make you look like a Hummer.

This so-called "aphrodisiac" candy from Malaysia,

is sold online for more than ten or twenty yuan a piece,

Sought after by some men.

However, "Hummer Candy" contains the banned ingredient tadalafil,

Eating it is harmful to the body,

Sales are even illegal.

chinese fashion yellow, hanfu vs hanbok, how to pronounce hanfu - Image 1

Hanfu shop owner sells four-color "Hummer candy" online

45-year-old Hu Ping's hometown is Xuancheng, Anhui, and he originally opened an online store in Hangzhou to sell Hanfu. After a few years, the online store was unsustainable. In early 2019, Hu Ping saw many stores online selling an aphrodisiac candy called "Hummer Candy", and the sales were very good.

He thought, he might as well sell "Hummer Candy" to earn some extra money. Just as he said, Hu Ping found the advertising copy of his colleagues to promote "Hummer Candy" and put it in his online store. He changed the name of the store to "Quan Xin Purchasing Agency" and stated that he sold "Hummer Candy". Sure enough, about ten days later, a "Hummer Candy" supplier contacted Hu Ping and said that he could provide wholesale. After the price was negotiated, Hu Ping asked the supplier to deliver the goods. After it is cooked, he purchases the goods and distributes them himself.

The "Hummer Candy" sold by Hu Ping is divided into four types: brown sugar, golden sugar, brown sugar, and blue sugar. The four kinds of candies have similar effects, but the packaging and selling price are different.

Hu Ping told the buyer that it was imported from Malaysia and the ingredients are pure natural ingredients such as pomegranate powder, ginseng extract, Cynomorium cynomorium powder, etc., which are used to nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang, and do not contain ingredients such as hormones and Western medicine

. Take one pill at a time and the effect will last for two or three days. Such publicity has attracted many customers from all over the country to inquire and purchase. When business is good, hundreds of pills can be sold a day.

A piece of candy sells for more than 20 yuan, but the purchase price is only 78 yuan, making huge profits.

In just three months, Hu Ping made a profit of more than 10,000 yuan from selling "Hummer Candy".

Some people have back pain after eating sweets

Just when Hu Ping's "Hummer Candy" business was going smoothly, he noticed a piece of "bad news." In August 2019,

Hu Ping accidentally saw a TV news report saying that toxic and harmful ingredients were added to "Hummer Candy", and many people had been investigated and punished by the public security organs. However, aiming for high profits and with the fluke that "others are also selling", Hu Ping sold for a few more months.

After the "Double Eleven" shopping festival in 2019, Hu Ping found that keywords such as "Hummer Candy" could no longer be searched on the online store's platform, so he felt scared and immediately stopped selling. However,

the "Hummer Candies" sold could not be recovered, and negative consequences occurred one after another


In late September last year,

Mr. Yin from Guangzhou bought 20 pieces of "Hummer Candy" from Hu Ping's online store. He took two of them one after another and felt fever and back pain after each dose. It hurts

and I didn’t dare to eat the remaining "Hummer Candy".

Mr. Fang from Nantong also had a similar experience. In mid-October of the same year, he bought ten "Hummer Candies" from Hu Ping's online store. After taking one, he felt hot all over his body. The effect was good at the time, but his limbs were sore afterwards

, I went to the seller to report the situation and asked for the test report. As a result, Hu Ping said that it was normal to experience dizziness or back pain after taking "Hummer Candy" for the first time. There could be no problem, and he had never heard of a laboratory test.

Seeing the seller’s poor after-sales attitude, Mr. Fang called the police angrily and submitted the remaining “Hummer candy” to the police as evidence.

After testing by a professional organization, the "Hummer Candy" purchased by Mr. Fang was found to contain Tadalafil.

Tadalafil can promote male erection and treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, but it has side effects. Common ones include headache, nausea, indigestion, etc. Serious side effects include chest pain, heart palpitations, and even inducing myocardial infarction.

The State Food and Drug Administration released the "List of Substances that May Be Illegal to be Added to Health Foods (First Batch)" in 2012, and Tadalafil was included in it.

In January 2020, Hu Ping was arrested by the Nantong Public Security Bureau at his temporary residence in Hangzhou.

Prohibited "health products" are harmful to the body if taken for a long time

In July 2020, Hu Ping was transferred to Nantong City on suspicion of selling toxic and harmful food. The Chongchuan District Procuratorate reviewed and prosecuted. According to the prosecutor handling the case from the Chongchuan District Procuratorate of Nantong City, the "Hummer Candy" case is not an isolated case. Since 2019, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places have investigated and dealt with multiple criminal cases involving the production and sale of toxic and harmful food "Hummer Candy". Just at the beginning of this year, the Procuratorate of Chongchuan District, Nantong City also handled another similar case: Zhang and others learned in August 2019 that a colleague selling "Hummer Candy" was investigated and punished, so they removed "Hummer Candy" from a certain mall and transferred it to However, through WeChat, he continued to sell mainly to old customers, and was eventually prosecuted and sentenced by the procuratorate.

Prosecutors found that after a certain crackdown, the illegal sales of "Hummer candy" have been curbed.However, it is not extinct. Some websites and WeChat official accounts still hide this kind of information. Searching with related keywords still shows several links selling the so-called "Hummer candy" imported from Malaysia. Many buyers think that this kind of thing is private and inconvenient to seek medical treatment and consultation. Instead, they buy some so-called health products like "Hummer Candy" in the market, thinking that even if they don't eat well, they will definitely not be bad. However,

These seemingly "harmless" health products often contain prohibited ingredients, which have serious side effects on the body and may cause serious health problems if taken for a long time


Source丨Yangtze Evening News July 23, 2020