chinese fashion jewelry, hanfu undershirt, hanfu qing

chinese fashion jewelry, hanfu undershirt, hanfu qing

"Source of this article: Straits Metropolis Daily"

There are endless new things emerging in the entertainment industry, which is really exciting and exciting. It turns out that you can know so many exciting things every day.

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Let’s get down to business. Today let’s talk about the child who has been in the public eye recently—Harry.

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Formal introduction, Harry, whose real name is Yu Enli, is the son of Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing.

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On the 4th, Harry officially opened his Weibo account and posted his first post. Later, his mother Yi Nengjing also forwarded a comment, which seemed to indicate that he was about to enter the entertainment industry.

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Harry wrote: I am an imperfect person. It’s hard not to associate this sentence with news about him being exposed before. During this period, news such as “Harry wears Hanfu” and “Suspected Harry’s girlfriend was exposed” have appeared one after another.

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These news headlines don’t seem friendly to Harry, but he still bravely spoke out about his differences. He didn’t care about the camera and was brave enough to be himself. In an era where everyone has freedom of speech, we can accept it. And respect all kinds of differences, but in this era where everyone has freedom of speech but is not free, most of what we say is still the same. Therefore, Harry loves Hanfu and expressed it bravely. My little sister really thinks it’s great. I give you a thumbs up!

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However, Harry has frequently appeared in the public eye recently. Until yesterday when he posted a post alluding to his official debut, netizens speculated whether the previous exposure was to pave the way for his debut, because the previous news was too conspicuous. , so everyone is paying close attention to it.

For example, frequently post photos of Hanfu↓

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I can take selfies with heavy makeup, and my makeup skills are really good.

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It was revealed by netizens that there were photos of kissing friends in previous social accounts↓

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The kissing partners included both boys and girls, which aroused doubts among netizens.

Teach your mother how to dance in a girl group dance↓

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Saying that he is disgusting↑, and saying that Yi Nengjing is so hypocritical and loving that she cannot even teach her own son well↓

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The divorce between Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing was even mentionedPrevious↓

In short, there have been overwhelming comments, but Yi Nengjing has expressed many times on the show that she supports her son in various forms.

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Yi Nengjing gave her son full freedom to choose himself and said that she would always stand on her son's side.

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I posted a message late at night to support my son.

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Yi Nengjing also revealed in the show that when Harry was exposed, it caused a lot of controversy among netizens. He even called her to see if it affected her, and asked her: "Will you be hurt?" Will it affect your work? Should I close my social media accounts and stop posting anything? "

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Yi Nengjing felt very distressed. After all, her son was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was so sensible.

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But Yi Nengjing’s words below are really touching. The little girl felt very touched after reading it↓

She said that nothing is more important than you (Harry).

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Frankly admitted that he would quit the entertainment industry for the sake of his son.

Yi Nengjing also said: "From today on, you are free. Remember, you can be yourself."

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She also emphasized that "it is very precious to respect others and be themselves", "it is very precious for parents to respect their children and for children to know how to be themselves".

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And she often thinks that the child is not her child, but only experiences the world through her love.

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Teacher Yi Nengjing’s composition skills are still very strong. Her words show her determination to insist on her son being himself, and fully support her son in everything he does, and will also support him in entering the entertainment industry.

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However, some netizens questioned, can Harry really develop in the entertainment industry for a long time?

Although Harry has just come of age, he behaves very maturely. Some time ago, he officially announced his relationship and posted a photo with his girlfriend. He was still wearing it on the ring finger of his right hand.The ring was placed on his girlfriend's shoulder. Harry looked handsome in men's clothing.

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I also posted a frontal photo of my girlfriend. I have to say that this girl is really beautiful. She has delicate features and beautiful eyes. She really fits her perfectly. On his birthday, he confessed his love to Harry on his social account↓

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The relationship between the two seems to be traceable, because the two frequently appear in each other's social accounts.

Go to the night market with friends to have fun↓

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Often captioned: "Love you."

Netizens initially misunderstood Harry's sexual orientation. Now that he has made his relationship public, he has also responded to his sexual orientation.Xiang, he just likes makeup and Hanfu. But regarding this X orientation issue, everyone’s choice will never be a problem! Be respectful and supportive!

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In fact, my little sister thinks it is normal for Harry to enter the entertainment industry. He was originally a second-generation celebrity. His father is a famous singer and is currently a famous singer and actor, so he was born with the title of "second generation star." With the blessing of his name, his path will definitely be much smoother than that of ordinary people.

When it comes to Harry's family, everyone actually knows a little bit about it. Although Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing have now formed new families and have new lives, their love for Harry is not Not reduced at all.

Recently, Harry also celebrated his father Yu Cheng's birthday on his social account and posted a group photo with the text, "Love you."

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I also included photos of myself as a child.

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It can be seen that the relationship between Harry and his father is still very good. Needless to say, he and Yi Nengjing had the custody rights originally, so they naturally had more contact with their mother.

In Yi Nengjing’s daily updates, it can be seen that Harry likes his little sister Mi Li very much. Yi Nengjing also often posts photos of the two children.

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My brother loves his sister very much, and Harry is really sensible.

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Furthermore, Harry loves beauty and has started his own business and built a brand. He is currently studying directing at a prestigious school and has a relatively in-depth understanding of filmmaking, music, painting and fashion. Harry has a deep understanding of art. I have my own opinions, so I can get inspiration from the doll my mother bought for my sister.

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Harry has already started his own career while still in school. He doesn’t know where his future development will be in the entertainment industry. However, he has already entered the beauty industry and is closely related to the entertainment industry, so the young man’s future is promising. Period! My little sister looks forward to a better future for Yu Enli!

Source: Pa Xiaomeier

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Editor: Xiao Xin