girls' chinese clothing, vintage hanfu, hanfu korea

girls' chinese clothing, vintage hanfu, hanfu korea Drinking wine, worshiping heaven and earth, confessing with poems... This morning, the Pudong New Area Marriage Management Office held a special Chinese-themed certificate awarding and garden party, allowing newlyweds to experience "Chinese romance." The newlyweds put on Hanfu and took a set of "initial photos" with a beautiful and graceful image of "newlyweds in Chinese style". Many newlyweds who had "trans-provincial service" exclaimed, "I'm so lucky to be able to enjoy such a rich marriage registration experience in Shanghai." Happy!”

The reporter learned that in May 2023, in order to facilitate people to register marriages in different places, the State Council listed Shanghai and other 21 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) as pilot areas for “inter-provincial universal marriage registration” for mainland residents. . Since the pilot started one year ago, Pudong has handled a total of 4,794 marriage registrations across provinces.


This morning, the Pudong New Area Marriage Management Office held a certificate awarding event and a summer garden party with the theme of "Marriage in National Style and Elegance, Marriage with a Childlike Heart". During interviews, reporters found that many newlyweds with registered residence in different places were very surprised by such a special wedding experience.

A couple who participated in the themed certificate awarding ceremony told reporters:

“I am from Gansu and my husband is from Anhui. Once the cross-province application is accepted, there is no need to go back to your hometown to get the certificate. The wedding center in our hometown is relatively standard in getting certificates. This time we were able to participate in the Hanfu experience here, as well as poetry confessions and themed certificate presentations. The wedding experience in Shanghai was really eye-opening for us, it was so ceremonial. ”


Many newcomers at the scene were eager to try out the Hanfu experience and take "initial photos". According to the relevant person in charge of the Pudong Wedding Registration Office, this time we selected one of the most familiar ones in China.These classic poems invite couples to express their feelings through poetry, thereby promoting our positive view of marriage in the wedding experience. Wearing Hanfu and chanting "Holding your hand, we will grow old together with you", this scene also made the couple feel the solemn commitment and inner excitement.

Newcomer Xiao Lin, who came early in the morning to collect his certificate and take part in the ancient-style "Beginner's Photo" of the summer garden party, said,

"We have always heard about Pudong's 'Beginner' series of activities. The staff told us that it would be held on June 1, so we made an appointment very early. We were lucky enough to catch up with the inter-provincial service. Now non-Shanghai residents can also make an appointment to participate, so we cherish this opportunity and come to change clothes and put on makeup after 7 o'clock. and photography, thank you Pudong Wedding for witnessing our ‘original intention’, today is perfect.”


The "Original Intention" series of activities continuously created by the Pudong New Area Marriage Management Office are increasingly favored by newlyweds. On popular wedding days, different themes are customized to allow couples to feel the sense of responsibility in marriage, create a learning family, and advocate a positive and healthy marriage concept. With the implementation of "inter-provincial universal service", non-Shanghai couples living in Shanghai can also enjoy a wonderful and rich wedding experience.

The person in charge of Pudong Wedding Registration said that in the future, they will continue to carry out vivid "marriage first lessons" through activities that couples love to see.