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China News Service, Wuhan, June 1 (Reporter Ma Furong) The ensemble of bamboo flute, guzheng, dulcimer, erhu, and pipa was sometimes melodious and melodious, and sometimes high-pitched and passionate, attracting repeated applause from young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. "The moment the melody sounded, the DNA engraved in my bones moved." Taiwanese young man Zhao Chenping said.

The Hubei-Taiwan Youth Boat Tour and Hanfu Cultural Festival were held in Wuhan on the evening of May 31. Zhao Chenping and more than 200 young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait boarded the "East Lake" cruise ship to wear Hanfu and play ancient music. , immersively experience the rich heritage and aesthetic connotation of Chinese traditional culture.

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On the evening of May 31, young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait dressed in Hanfu and took a night tour of the Yangtze River. Photo by Zhang Chang

Zhou Zhiyu, a young man from Hubei who is familiar with Hanfu, introduces different characteristics and wearing techniques of Hanfu to young people in Taiwan. "Taiwanese youth are very enthusiastic about Hanfu and are eager to learn more knowledge." Zhou Zhiyu said that the youth cultures on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are connected, and the exchanges are very smooth and pleasant.

Xue Kerou, a Taipei student from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, stood leaning against a railing with a fan in hand. She took many photos wearing Hanfu and posted them on social platforms to introduce Hanfu and the history behind it to more people. culture.

At the event, students from the Flute and Xiao Association of Huazhong University of Science and Technology wearing Hanfu presented performances such as the folk music ensemble "Love for Life" and "Fragrance of Osmanthus", the guzheng trio "Jasmine", etc., showing the beauty of the integration of Hanfu and ancient music. .

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On the evening of May 31st, Hubei and Taiwan youth boat tours along the two rivers and four banks and the Hanfu Culture Festival were held in WuhanHeld in Han, students from the Flute and Xiao Association of Huazhong University of Science and Technology performed a folk music ensemble. (Photo provided by the organizer)

"I like the song "Jasmine" very much, but this is the first time I have heard it performed in the form of a guzheng trio. It is so beautiful." Wuhan University Station Student Yan Yuci said, "The traditional Chinese culture represented by Hanfu and ancient music is broad and profound and deserves to be carefully explored and savored."

Etaiwan Youth Boat Tour on Two Rivers and Four Banks and Hanfu Culture Festival, organized by Huazhong University of Science and Technology , the Hubei Provincial Association for the Promotion of Cross-Strait Exchanges, the Hubei Provincial Youth Federation, etc., aiming to use culture as a link to promote exchanges and mutual learning between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. During this period, young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait also played fun games such as pot throwing and lantern riddle guessing.

Source: China News Service

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