4 chinese, hanfu in china, hanfu shirt

4 chinese, hanfu in china, hanfu shirt


From May 22nd to 29th, Guangzhou Youth Cultural Palace, Guangzhou Peiwen Foreign Language School, and Anglo-Chinese Academy in Minneapolis, USA jointly held a joint ceremony in Guangzhou Launch the "Bridge of the Future" Sino-US youth exchange camp. In recent days, 10 students from Yinghua College in Minneapolis, USA, have traveled together with Chinese teenagers to deepen cultural exchanges and spread sports through "I Make Friends with the World Champion", dragon racing, and Hanfu experience. Spirit.

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Experience the dragon boat race, and the National Games volunteers set sail

Previously, 10 American students were awarded invitation letters of international messenger volunteers to serve as volunteers for the 15th National Games and the "International Messenger" volunteers of the Guangzhou Division of the Paralympic Games will convey the style of Huacheng Sports to the world through friendly exchanges, interactive sharing, and cultural mutual learning.

With the sound of the starting gun, the two "Volunteers of the 15th National Games" dragon boats moved forward bravely amidst the sounds of gongs and drums. Chinese and American students rowed together in the same boat, shouting "one, two, one, two..." in Chinese together. Cheers and cheers came and went from the shore. On the morning of May 25, Chinese and American teenagers experienced dragon boat racing together in Haizhu National Wetland Park. The dragon boat "Volunteer of the 15th National Games" carefully built by the Volunteer Department of the Guangzhou Division Executive Committee for the 15th National Games and Paralympic Games officially set sail.

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"Hold a meeting well, enhance a city, highlight a city, and make a city happy. The National Games will notIt is not only a sports feast, but also a party for everyone to participate and share. We hope to spread the spirit of the National Games through diversified volunteer service promotion activities, so that the general public can participate in sports and enjoy the joy of sports. In the future, the ‘15th National Games Volunteer Account’ will undertake the mission of promoting the sports spirit of the National Games and creating a good atmosphere for the whole people to participate in and support the National Games. "Introduced by the person in charge of the Volunteer Department of the Guangzhou Division Executive Committee of the 15th National Games and Paralympic Games.

Experience traditional culture, international messenger volunteers build a bridge of international friendship

“The clothes are light and the Han style is full.” As a treasure of traditional Chinese clothing, Hanfu carries the Rich historical and cultural connotations. On the afternoon of May 25, international messenger volunteers came to the Guangzhou Cultural Center to participate in Hanfu experience activities. American teenagers wearing Hanfu walked in the antique Lingnan gardens, with ten views, small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, just like walking in an exquisite and elegant ink painting.

"My family likes Chinese culture very much. The elegance and elegance of Hanfu make me feel the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. It is not just a piece of clothing, but also the inheritance and expression of a culture." American Yinghua Hudson, a student at the college, said that as an international messenger volunteer for the National Games, he hopes to bring his family to Guangzhou next year to experience Chinese sports culture with them and feel the unique charm of this city.

Text and pictures/Guangzhou Daily New Flower CityAuthor: Zhang Shuhong Correspondent: Sui Tuanxuan

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Zhang Yu