0 clothes, jiang cheng hanfu, rental hanfu

0 clothes, jiang cheng hanfu, rental hanfu

0 clothes, jiang cheng hanfu, rental hanfu - Image 1 For the audience, actor Liu Huan's last impressive role may have been Qi Dasheng in "Baby Daddy" because he was so warm-hearted. That is also a "good person" in his own eyes. He is very complete, but he is only just a good person. Four years later, he played the role of Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui in the Three Kingdoms drama "Tiger Roars and Dragon Roar". Not long after his appearance, Liu Huan showed the emperor's neurotic characteristics: after taking the throne, Cao Rui hired a large number of painters to paint his biological mother who was sentenced to death. Painters who had never seen Zhen Mi found it difficult to paint the portrait of Zhen Mi. Cao Rui was furious and executed these painters one after another. According to the setting of the plot, Liu Huan put on Hanfu and ordered the painter to draw a portrait of Zhen Mi using him as a reference. Not only that, Cao Rui, played by Liu Huan, is also suspected of being like Long Yang in the play, and he has a relationship with the little eunuch around him who is like a monarch and his ministers, and like family members. This is a perverse emperor, an emperor who ascended the throne at a young age, with complex psychological logic. In terms of looks alone, Liu Huan is not one of the outstanding ones, but after Cao Rui's appearance, the audience directly commented on his "plastic surgery acting skills". The last person to receive such praise was Zhao Youting. When director Zhang Yongxin was asked about the actor he was most satisfied with in "Tiger Roars and Dragon Roar", apart from starring Wu Xiubo, the second person mentioned was Liu Huan.

0 clothes, jiang cheng hanfu, rental hanfu - Image 2 On the day of the interview, Liu Huan talked most with the interface about his understanding of the character. He could talk about everything from the character's life to a look in his eyes for ten minutes. He clearsChu Di positioned himself as an actor with a peaceful mind, and regarded the three years of being outside the industry as a life experience - even though he was cheated by his friends, not only did he not make any money, but he also incurred an inexplicable debt. He doesn't envy fresh meat or traffic. His only regret is that he hasn't reached a certain age and can't perform the true feelings of that age. Compared with the changes in the outside world, Liu Huan is quiet. He describes himself as a young man with three things: boring and speechless. Apart from absorbing the nutrients of the characters from life, he generally does not have much contact with the real world. When he's not filming, he likes to stay in his own studio in Beijing's Huantie Art City. The 140-square-meter space is not too big. The first floor is filled with his collection of Iron Man figures, and the second floor is filled with items he has starred in. Scripts for previous episodes. "I have a habit of keeping the scripts when I was filming since I was a child, and I will also keep one or two pages including the scenes during that time. I call this part 'the first half of my life'." "The second half of my life." What about?" "Prepare the code."

What an actor should do

Interface Entertainment

: People will say that the emperor played by Liu Huan is quite perverted. This was discussed with the director at the time. A kind of drama?

Liu Huan

: Actually not. Every scene seems very abnormal. When I perform it, I will give him some psychological basis. It is by no means based on imagination. When I got this script, I was immediately confused. What I saw was Cao Rui killing the painter and immediately pretending to be his mother. How could a generation of emperors be like this in my impression? I looked up a lot of stuff about Cao Rui, but there was very little information about him online or elsewhere, so as an actor I had no idea where to start. So I could only use the stupidest way to break myself into pieces and completely feel Cao Rui's current situation and the background information given in the script. I think his feelings for Guo Zhao are actually filled with hatred. People say they adopted you and saved you, but in a child's heart, before his outlook on life and values ​​have been formed, there are only good and bad in his world. Why did his father do this to him? Why did his mother die? He will attribute everything to this woman Guo Zhao.

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Interface Entertainment

: This feelingIt’s hard to imagine, so I won’t embarrass myself.

Liu Huan

: Yes, this child has a lot of inner conflicts, so he is not someone who should have a facial expression or be happy just because he is established as a prince. Including when he met Sima Yi, some people said that I said that I wanted to kill Guo Zhao (acting) for peace. In fact, I have taken care of all these. It is not a so-called dramatic treatment, but a treatment of human nature and human heart. When Sima Yi was about to leave, (I asked) "Ai Qing, what should I do with Guo Zhao?" Should I call her Guo Zhao at this time? If according to common sense, she should be called Queen Guo, is she the Queen Mother? But when my father is gone, I can call her by her first name. Doesn't this make people feel a chill on their backs? I completely integrated myself into this role, and I didn't just experience it on the spot. The filming of "Strategic Alliance" took a long time, 333 days.

0 clothes, jiang cheng hanfu, rental hanfu - Image 4 Picture source: Tang Yixin Weibo

Interface Entertainment

: How long have you been in the group?

Liu Huan

: I have been on the crew for 7 months. In fact, as you have seen, Cao Rui does not have many scenes. First, the filming is very slow, maybe one or two scenes a day, (second) I will use my private time to feel this character every moment. Just like we are chatting today, if it were Cao Rui, how would he chat with you? I think this is how you can play a character into your heart. There are many outstanding actors in Hollywood. They really spend several years creating a character. It doesn't mean that he has reduced himself to be so thin or eaten to be so fat. He has to get close to the character and make himself Completely pull away all the things of that character, and pour all the things of that character into the skin. In this way, everything I say is the other person under my skin, which makes people feel shuddering. This is a great actor, a real actor, do you understand? They are not the celebrities, artists, etc. we are talking about now. This is what actors should do.

Interface Entertainment

: I just mentioned one of Cao Rui’s imperial tricks. I think this is far from your own life experience. How did you master this?

Liu Huan

:Yes, this one is definitely far away from me. In fact, I admire him quite a lot after playing Cao Rui. The script will give you some so-called hints, and then as I just said, I will seriously put myself in this character and consider the way he will use when talking to his own people. Including when Uncle Bo and I were filming, we were not so eager to say the lines, but gave each other the maximum space and time to get close to the characters.

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Interface Entertainment

: How to give it?

Liu Huan

: For example, like what I just told you, sometimes after he tells me to retaliate, I feel emotional in my heart, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live," and he kneels down. , lie down. Should I say "I love you, I'm in peace"? But I just wouldn’t let him get up at this time, so when I was at the scene, you know the atmosphere, many people would say, that’s Uncle Bo! Hurry up and say the words. What are you doing? I was wrong. This is us in a play. In the play are Sima Yi and Cao Rui. Cao Rui is the emperor and you are the minister. It's not that I'm causing trouble. As a minister, after you've finished kneeling and finished speaking, I won't let you get up. Are you down there wondering, what happened to the Emperor today? Just like this, during the filming process, the two of us would have that kind of drama... (frowning, squinting, making gestures).

Interface Entertainment

: Spark?

Liu Huan

: That kind of subtle giving is very good. Now too many people think that once we say the words, that’s it. You are not expressing characters. To put it bluntly, you are just a machine that speaks lines. What you do is not a performance, what you do is called a repeater. What is drama? We must believe everything that happens in this scene most truly.

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The scene of taking the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill

Jiemen Entertainment

: Speaking of Wu Xiubo, which scene with him impressed you the most?

Liu Huan

: It can be said that every scene is very exciting and impressive. In fact, Cao Rui does not have too many scenes, but every scene has a special dramatic point, and it is his highlight. play. Let me give you a small example. When Cao Rui wanted to kill Guo Zhao, there was a so-called "play within a play". I played one for Uncle Bo and I felt I was wrong. We were asking, what exactly do we want the audience to see in this scene? Let the audience see that we are acting? I said that's not true. Since everyone is so distracted by this scene, it must be real. The real thing is that I want you not to notice (acting). So the game between the two of us was very exciting, and both of us cried bitterly after filming.

Interface Entertainment

: Was it Wu Xiubo who introduced you to this scene?

Liu Huan

: This is the call Uncle Bo made to me because we became very good friends after working together on "Divorce Lawyer". Uncle Bo is a good mentor and friend to me, both in my acting career and in life. I have particularly liked his performances a long time ago. After getting to know him well, he would also use his attitude to tell me about the so-called right and wrong views on life in private conversations. Looking back, I think it was probably him who was telling me not to be so single-minded about character creation on the road to acting.

Interface Entertainment

: Is the scene with the Hanfu boss (Cao Rui playing the mother) the most difficult for you? I saw you say before that there was a scene where you took Suxiao Jiuxin Pill?

Liu Huan

: It is not difficult to become a Hanfu boss. I personally think it is a very normal expression of emotion. In fact, the most difficult scene was the last scene between me and Bixie, before Cao Rui died. I turned that scene into a flashback, and performed three character states in one scene. These three states actually changed in an instant. Maybe the audience will become neurotic after watching it, to use the simplest word. I have never praised myself like this for my performance as an outsider. But for the "Strategy League" scene, after I finished filming, I told my friends, "You know I shot a scene, and I performed the role very well (laughs)." That scene really took a long time to shoot, and everyone felt like they were pulled away after the whole shooting. It was so exhausting. It's not that you're physically tired, it's that your little universe has been used to its maximum, and you suddenly feel that kind of psychological pain. You feel sorry for Cao Rui. When many pains are superimposed on each other, I say no, give me a quick-acting Jiuxin pill.

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Interface Entertainment

: I saw that some viewers on Douban would say that they were particularly impressed by the "bad guys" you played, including a somewhat neurotic character like Cao Rui. How do you view this issue?

Liu Huan

: I don’t think it’s a big deal. When I was playing “Little Daddy”, many people said that China is a good boyfriend, we love you so much, we want to marry you, etc. I think this is a so-called symbol. Nowadays, it is better to play a bad guy than a good guy. At least I think this character creation was successful. To be honest, before filming "Strategy Alliance", I was not in particularly good condition at that time. (People) have their own selfishness. Anyone who always wants others to point their noses at them will read some comments and say, "I love you so much," right? But later in the process of filming "Strategy Alliance", I found my original intention again. In fact, all of this, your halo, is given to you by the outside world, a so-called thing like a shell. Can these shells make me happy? I don't think so. In fact, what makes me happiest is the original intention I warned myself when I was in school: I want to act well and shape the characters well. This is the foundation of being an actor.


Brother, you

are 32

years old, you are doing well now


Interface Entertainment

: I think you said that you actually left the acting industry for three years. Why was there such a gap?

Liu Huan

: Yes, how should I say it? Actors firstly rely on opportunities, and secondly, there are many factors that contribute to this. At that time, it was actually difficult for us to get out, and later we felt that filming was not guaranteed. First, others have to find you, and then you submit information to see if you are good and suitable. Sometimes you may not start working for several months. You are impatient because you have no money and there is no way to live without money. At that time, I really wanted to give up. I added some other things to my discomfort and found something that made me happier. At that time, I thought people in this industry were not innocent, but when you go out into society and look at it, you will find that these people in society are more difficult to get in touch with than people in these industries.

Jiemen Entertainment

: I remember you said that you went into business and were defrauded of money and were in debt, right?

Liu Huan

: Yes, yes. Now that I think about it, I may have taken this as a serious matter at that time, but looking back now, I feel that this is a life experience, especially as an actor. When you have this experience, then When you create a character, you will have many layers.

Interface Entertainment

: How did you come back to being an actor later? Was it because you hit a wall outside?

Liu Huan

: Yes, there is no way. At that time, I regarded acting as a technical job, which is actually quite familiar to you. But think about it, I had been away for nearly 3 years at that time. Not to mention three years, if you are not in this industry for half a year, you will be quickly forgotten. Later, at the 100th birthday party for the child of a director friend of mine, everyone left and we chatted privately. He asked, are you still filming? I said take a photo, but he said you were not on business? Many people can't find you. I said no, I'm filming, so you have to use my words. He said, I will go to Qingdao soon to shoot a short film. Are you willing to come? There is no money either. I said I am willing to do it, no matter what kind of role it is, big or small. But I feel that God is very kind to me. I played each role one by one, no matter whether it was a big or a small one. I took it seriously. Later, a play was called "At the Gate of the City", in which I played Yu Hewei's younger brother. Then he really thought that this kid was pretty good. After filming the scene, he took me He recommended it to Yang Wenjun and asked me to watch "The Wind and the Sun".

Interface Entertainment

: I am particularly impressed by this drama. You also play a "bad guy" in it.

Liu Huan

: Right. In fact, when I think about it carefully now, I feel that whether I cooperate with Wen Zhang, Wu Xiubo or Yang Wenjun, this is a fate. You see, if I hadn’t collaborated with Yu Hewei on “The Enemy”, it would have been impossible for me to collaborate with Yang Wenjun on “The Wind and the Sun”, and I wouldn’t have known Lao Ma (Ma Yili). If Xiaowen and I hadn't filmed together and lived in the same room in 2002, we wouldn't have such a good emotional relationship. If I didn’t know Lao Ma, I wouldn’t have finally decided to cast me in “Petit Daddy”, I wouldn’t have collaborated with Yang Wenjun for the second time in “Divorce Lawyer”, I wouldn’t have gotten to know Lao Wu, and maybe there wouldn’t be today’s “Army Alliance” . I think maybe everyone is on this trajectory. If you take everything and every job seriously, then the circle will keep expanding.

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Interface Entertainment

: Have you never been impetuous or unhappy? Because now there are so many young stars who will become famous quickly.

Liu Huan

: It is false to say that there is no such thing, including doing business and leaving this industry, that is a negative emotion. At that time, I couldn't handle this emotion very well. If it were now, it would probably be to fill myself up more and try harder to find a better way of expression on the road of performance. After I finished filming "Baby Daddy" and "Divorce Lawyer", there would be something halo-like at that time, and I would feel that I had to play a good person, a good man, so that the audience would think that I am such a person, and this is also a person. Negative stuff. When you have these things, you will forget your own root. What is that root? That is, I don’t want to be a star or an artist, but I want to be a good actor who can perform well. This era is very fast. Something will appear today, and something will appear tomorrow. But I am not particularly envious. There will be some such things circulating in every era. Our era was actually the same, the four heavenly kings. But I want to say that at least the four kings are still working hard. This is a fundamental factor in this industry.

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Interface Entertainment

: Like Wu Xiubo, I personally think he is a late bloomer, compared to someone who was very popular in his early 20s.

Liu Huan

: It was very fun to chat with Wu Xiubo. I was 32 years old when I acted in "Little Dad". Then we chatted and he said, look at my brother, you are 32 years old and you are doing very well now. People just have greed, you know? If you have this mobile phone, you want a better one than this one. If you have a Jetta, you want a Mercedes-Benz. If you have a Mercedes-Benz, you want a Bentley. If you have a Bentley, you want a Rolls-Royce. Si, you just want me to buy a private jet. This is human desire. In fact, Lao Wu told me at that time that I didn’t particularly understand it, but slowly you will realize that many of the things he said are very right. He said brother youLook, you have achieved such good results at the age of 32. When my brother was 32, a movie only cost 20,000 yuan, and he even got into a fight with the production director because he gave me 2,000 less. This may be a joke, but looking back now, Uncle Bo has such great achievements. I think he has cultivated his mind very well and is very peaceful.

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Interface Entertainment

: Since the beginning of this year, some Chinese dramas have become popular, and then everyone began to say that it might be the spring for actors born in the 1980s, such as Lei Jiayin. Do you think you feel this situation too?

Liu Huan

: Actually, it’s okay. I think there will be these existences in every era. Even actors and traffic niches have the necessity of their existence, right? I have always said that male actors actually have a long acting life. This does not mean that they are not good in their 20s, because people in their 20s do not have a very full perception of the world and attitude towards life. What was the final performance? I think he wants to use a very delicate performance (presentation) of human emotions and desires.

Interface Entertainment

: One last question, because your name is the same as the singer Liu Huan, do you still care about this matter now?

Liu Huan

: I have never cared about this matter at all. If I had cared about it, I would have changed my name long ago. I did change it when I was young, but since no one called me among my friends, I just let it go. Later, I also thought that names are given by parents. The ancients said that "the body is shaped by its parents." In fact, there are many things that the ancients did that we can't do now. Even your name feels like it has the same name as someone else. , which was not good for my career development, so I changed this name. I think this is unfilial. So the name doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter. (Moreover) Teacher Liu Huan is a singer, and I am an actor, so we don’t get along, right?