chinese dress yesstyle, anime girl hanfu, traditional hanfu

chinese dress yesstyle, anime girl hanfu, traditional hanfu

Source|i Internet celebrity headlines

Text|Zhou Xinjing

Editor|Chen Chen

The driving force of content-oriented consumer behavior is increasing day by day.

Different from the common Hanfu anchors, the Douyin anchor "Little Bear Haunts" (hereinafter referred to as "Little Bear") takes the route of a designer style buyer, specializing in live broadcasts of niche designer brands, and selling Hanfu emphasizes design concepts.

With the gradual development of personalization in public aesthetics, the advantages of various niche designer brands have become more and more obvious, and Xiaoxiong has exerted its own taste and used the talent effect to link niche designers. On the brand and consumer side, on the one hand, it helps niche designer brands broaden the boundaries of brand quality and efficiency; on the other hand, it also meets consumers' fashion consumption needs. Driven by fashion design concepts, the niche Hanfu live broadcast room has achieved impressive sales results that can rival or even surpass popular brand Hanfu.

Focus on personalized fashion

With the rapid development of social economy and culture, personalized consumption has entered a new era. The appeal of traditional clothing brands, fast fashion brands and other clothing brands to the younger generation who pursue personalized consumption is gradually weakening, which gives niche designer brands with unique and creative designs a broader market development space. .

According to the "2021 China Independent Fashion Designer Brand Market Analysis Report" released by Guanyan Tianxia, ​​from 2006 to 2020, the sales of my country's independent fashion designer brands have increased from 5 billion yuan to 5.13 billion yuan. billion, and it is expected that this figure will reach 76.9 billion yuan in 2025.

The evolution of the clothing and fashion environment has allowed Xiaoxiong, the anchor who specializes in niche designer brand collections, to gain support from many high-spending groups with individual fashion consumption interests on the Douyin platform. According to Feigua data, as of October 14, 2021, the proportion of Little Bear fans between the ages of 25 and 35 is as high as 45.97%, and most of them come from the first-tier cities with relatively high fashion pursuits such as Hangzhou, Chengdu and Shanghai. and new first-tier cities. Obviously, this account can attract precise target groups and is more likely to generate purchasing behavior.

It should be noted that the selection of products in Xiaoxiong’s live broadcast room is concentrated in niche designer clothing brands. In Douyin e-commerce where the homogenization of Hanfu styles has intensified, it is not easy to compete with the selection of many Hanfu live broadcast rooms. The money ensures the unique competitiveness of the live broadcast room.

Consumers whose consumption behavior is driven by fashion concepts are relatively low in price sensitivity. Therefore, the products in Xiaoxiong’s live broadcast room can achieve efficient sales conversion without relying on low-price inducement. According to Feigua data, the unit price of Xiaoxiong's live broadcast room is stable at more than 350 yuan. Although the audience of the live broadcast room is narrow and the sales volume is not outstanding, the GMV (gross merchandise transaction) of each live broadcast can be maintained at 5 million yuan - 15 million yuan. range, its overall live broadcast sales are still comparable to those of large-scale Hanfu live broadcast rooms.

Pure content drives sales conversion

Observing the overall content of Xiaoxiong’s account and the live broadcast delivery method, we can find that the content of its account is strong, and the promotion of products in the live broadcast room is concentrated. Content section. For example, each of its short live broadcast preview videos uses content as the starting point to obtain traffic. Most of them introduce the brand concept and style of the products, directly reaching the precise brand fans. Xiaoxiong's enhancement of content will help break through the high price limit of the live broadcast room, thereby successfully achieving conversion.

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(Excerpted from Douyin’s “Little Bear Haunted”)

In addition, in terms of publicity, Little Bear attaches great importance to the concept guidance of “celebrity style” and “celebrity private server”, and its live broadcast Some of the cooperative brands have been worn by many celebrities, and Bear will amplify this highlight when broadcasting the brand live. For example, if a certain brand of merchandise in its live broadcast room has been worn privately by celebrity Zhao Lusi, and corresponding photos have been shared, Xiaoxiong will zoom in on this point and use a title like "Zhao Lusi private server brand XX is live broadcast" when doing the live broadcast of this brand. Drainage means. Zhao Lusi is a popular celebrity herself. By using this method, Xiaoxiong can attract platform users and celebrity fans outside the brand, increase the popularity of the live broadcast room, and further drive sales conversion.

In terms of product sales skills, Xiaoxiong’s live broadcast rooms are rarely like many Hanfu live broadcast rooms, which noisily constantly adjust prices, and then change the prices and put them on the shelves, without shouting "Awesome" in unison outside the camera. "Want" and "cost-effective" atmosphere group, and there is no background music to stimulate consumer desire. Her live broadcast room is quiet. She is the only one analyzing the design and fabric highlights of the products with her fans. Occasionally, there will be an assistant to guide the audience to join the fan group when the bear is changing clothes. It can be seen that Xiaoxiong Live Room focuses on product content positioning rather than price positioning.

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(Excerpted from the "Little Bear Haunting" Douyin live broadcast room)

Although the Little Bear live broadcast room does not have the logic of low-price and popular products, it relies on the inherent characteristics of the products. As a driving force of fashion, its live broadcast room has been able to gather a group of niche enthusiasts with high spending power, thereby achieving a positive transformation of sales in the live broadcast room. According to Feigua data, Little Bear has achieved a total of 410 million yuan in live broadcast sales in the past 180 days (April 18, 2021 to October 14, 2021).

It can be seen that as the live broadcast e-commerce model becomes increasingly mature and normalized, consumers’ needs for shopping in live broadcast rooms will become more and more diversified, and the strategy of low price induction will no longer be the same as before. If used, the dominant position of the content will increase day by day. At this time, merchants and influencers need to introduce new products in a timely manner, reduce their reliance on low-price inducements, and increase the proportion of content to achieve the traffic aggregation effect of live broadcasts, thereby increasing sales conversions.