formal chinese clothing, hanfu winter cloak, hanfu nightgown

formal chinese clothing, hanfu winter cloak, hanfu nightgown 00:28

Video production: Yang Xinyi, Li Yan, Chen Jia

Hanfu, hairpins, and looking back with Chinese charm, the oriental aesthetics full of buffs has once again won fans with its strength!

On June 23, the 2024 "Checking in China·Ancient Rhythm and Chaoyin-Hello, Jiangsu!" online international communication event entered Xuzhou Huilongwo, and the foreign Internet celebrities who participated in the event formed a team to wear Hanfu. "Blowing up the street", the inclusiveness of Chinese culture, has a concrete expression at this moment.

Latin said: "In our country, traditional costumes are only worn during festivals, but in China, wearing Hanfu is a very daily and popular thing."

Latin has Having lived in China for more than ten years, he said: "When I first came to China, it was rare to see people wearing Hanfu on the streets. But in recent years, as people pay more attention to traditional culture, Hanfu has become a trend." "Fashion" has become popular among young people, and many improved versions of Hanfu are also suitable for daily travel."

Latin also said: "I heard that the best way to protect Hanfu is to wear it out, so when It is a great thing that more and more young people are joining the protection culture.” (Wen Yang Xinyi)

Source: China Central Radio and Television International Online

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