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chinese clothing amazon, hanfu reddit, princess hanfu

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News reporter Lu Jiawen/Photographed

There are many bottles and jars in front of the cosmetics counter, and the shopping guide is looking at the mobile phone under the fill light to inform fans They introduce the products in their hands... You will definitely see this scene when you go to Intime Department Store. Live streaming of shopping guides is one of the new retail methods that Intime Department Store uses to quickly resume work and production during the epidemic. As stores resume operations, the live broadcast scene has changed from at home to in front of the mall counter, and the live broadcast has also extended from cosmetics to clothing and other counters.

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The reporter learned that the Pit Hanfu brand of Intime Department Store has bucked the trend and increased its sales by more than 30% through new retail methods such as live shopping guides and community operations. More than 700 pieces were sold at a single Intime counter in five days, creating a New sales record.

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Originally, the proportion of online sales was less than 2%

The epidemic has allowed brands to accelerate the pace of new retail

The brand Pit It was born in 2006 and started as a boutique. In 2013, I started to build my own brand, focusing on light retro, fast fashion, and fun. In 2015, Pit began to enter shopping malls and department stores. The first Yintai counter was in Wulin Yintai. Single store sales increased from three to four million a year at the beginning to 9.8 million in 2019.

So far, Pit has a total of 24 stores in Intime, and nearly 200 stores across the country. “If it doesn’t happen this year,Due to the impact of the epidemic, sales in Intime should exceed 100 million. ”

The epidemic disrupted the rhythm, allowing this brand that originally did not attach importance to online sales to rush online.

”After all the offline stores were closed, I was a little panicked. , what should we do if we discuss it? Zhu Linlin, vice president of Pit Brand Marketing Center, told the hourly reporter, "All of our performance is basically generated through offline stores, and the proportion of online sales is very low, probably less than 2%." ”

On February 1, Pit’s company management held its first meeting and established an emergency management team to predict how adjustments should be made in 2020. Zhu Linlin said that the first thing they thought of was to start social work. Group marketing allows shopping guides to work from home. “We bring all VIPs into a store community, and store employees post product material pictures in the group. Starting from every specialty store, to every department store. ”

“In fact, shopping guides have also added customers to WeChat before, but it was always one-on-one and did not attract groups. Because we also considered at that time that it takes time to run a community. If you are not confident enough to provide content that consumers like, you should be cautious. "Zhu Linlin told hourly reporters that the epidemic has prompted this incident, and the content of the community has become more and more abundant. From posting pictures at the beginning, to doing flash sales and live broadcasts. "Now we have to think about it. Yes, how to operate the community better, and how to train store shopping guides to become anchors of goods delivery. ”

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From social marketing to e-commerce platform

Global marketing to create a new retail model

The epidemic has made the entire Pit team Paying more and more attention to new retail, in addition to social marketing, it has also begun to focus on the e-commerce sector.

Zhu Linlin introduced that the community interface basically focuses on discounted products, which are two different customer groups from Yintai Meow Street. Meow Street mainly sells new products and recommends good products. Cargo is the direction.

In addition, Pit has also integrated more closely with Intime and participated in some online sales and traffic-draining activities such as Intime’s brand day, shopping guide commission, Meow Street party, and value shopping. “In the days after February 10, our performance was pretty good, with several stores selling more than 500 items in five days.”

The reporter noticed several data. Pit established a new retail special team in 24 counters of Intime Department Store. The daily sales of brands participating in Intime Department Store for the first time increased by 60% year-on-year, and currently account for more than 40% of the total sales. .

Starting from February 7th, shopping guides started live streaming at home. After the stores were fully restored, shopping guides realized a new stage of simultaneously promoting home live streaming and counter live streaming. Wulin Yintai Pit brand shopping guide live broadcasting has more than doubled its performance. .

“In the future, our online performance may account for 40% to 50%. "Zhu Linlin believes that the next digital operation still needs to be built to connect online channels and offline channels, including all products in agent stores, and at the same time make more effective interactions between online supply and offline store supply. To achieve this, combine it with marketing activities to improve performance. “Using data-based analysis for pre-sales to create hot sales and data-based membership operations are all things we need to explore this year. ”

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The new gameplay of Intime’s new retail model

All shopping guides help all brands carry goods

“Intime offline , Pit is indeed doing well, especially the Wulin store, which is expected to have sales of over 10 million this year. Its advantage is that its offline shopping guide capabilities are very strong, and its membership stickiness is very good." Zhang Xia, senior manager of the Hanfu category of Intime Department Store. He told reporters that Pit’s shortcoming at the time was that it didn’t pay enough attention to online, and the epidemic became an accelerator.

Generally speaking, for brands with good online sales of Hanfu, the proportion of annual online sales can reach 15%-20%. Zhang Xia said that Hanfu is a non-standard product, and online shopping guides are actually not easy to do. Sales performance cannot be achieved by selling low prices alone. Only through matching to increase customer orders and connections can we generate higher sales. "In the future, Hanfu will build more live broadcast rooms in stores, which is also something many brands are considering."

In addition, Intime is doing a commission-sharing activity for shopping guides, and there is a bold idea to empower shopping guides. Imagine letting shopping guides help brands sell better goods, help shopping guides sell more goods and make more money, and let all shopping guides carry goods of all brands.

How to understand? Zhang Zhaopeng, the product manager of Yintai Department Store’s Miao Ke Commission Sharing Project, said that after digital operation, the shopping guide will be targeted at all Miao Street or Miao Street shopping malls.They own Intime's customer base and sell more than just their own brand of goods. For example, shopping guides like Pit brand can recommend more sources of goods from similar related brands, and can also promote more potential customers. From a brand perspective, originally we could only use our own shopping guides to sell goods, but now there are tens of thousands of shopping guides in Intime called Miaoke, as well as KOLs who are good at distribution, and even consumer shopping guides. All customer groups can be used to help brands sell more goods by sharing commissions.

It is understood that after three years of digital transformation, Intime New Retail has provided new digital infrastructure for brands. Miaoke’s commission-sharing project has exerted great power during the epidemic. The digitization of products, people (shopping guides, customers), and the market is a very important achievement of Intime's new retail in the past three years, and it is also the basis for the rapid start of new retail resumption during the epidemic.

“We also hope that the personal abilities of shopping guides can be improved. Being a host has very high personal requirements. We have a dedicated live broadcast team and live broadcast training courses to allow shopping guides to learn how to activate the atmosphere. How to interact with fans, how to bring goods, etc., and Yintai membership is the traffic empowerment." Zhang Zhaopeng said.