chinese clothing men, wei jin dynasty hanfu, dachang hanfu

chinese clothing men, wei jin dynasty hanfu, dachang hanfu

Baijiao Guo Yipu from Ao Fei Si

Qubit Report | Public Account QbitAI

The new standard for testing beautiful men, AI can handle it with one click.

Face Face tell me, who is the most beautiful, cutest and most elegant Internet boss?

AI did some calculations and gave me a picture.

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Can you tell who these lovely "girls" are?

That's right, Ma Huateng, Lei Jun, Robin Li, Ding Lei...

These are these girly bosses who retain the appearance and characteristics of the original image , and has the softness of women. If it were not generated by AI, I would have thought they were learning DingTalk and forming a Hanfu group.

When the little fresh meat also starts to grow long hair~

First put two pictures.

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Can you tell who these are?

To be so cute must be a boy.

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I have to say that when the little fresh meat is beautiful, girls really have nothing to do with it.

And this one actually looks a bit like our transcendent sister.

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Wu Yifan’s emm... must be that I didn’t choose the right photo.

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Even Xiao Ming, who is "riding the wind and waves", has become very good-looking.

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Now you may understand that compared to the Internet uncles at the beginning, the reason why young people are popular is——

They are inherently good-looking.

A true beauty must withstand the test of AI degeneration.

The "brothers" riding the wind and waves

When sisters become brothers, the effect is like this.

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Blind, blind, and was killed by my sister again.

Huh? ? She even has breasts. But Sister Jingjing is still so sassy.

My close eldest sister Yi Nengjing, after the transformation, although her brother is a bit "rough", the tenderness in her eyes is still there.

Even Hailu, who "has never grown any snacks", seems to have gone through many vicissitudes of life, and his eyes are deep...

The key is that even chest hair has grown.

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Imagine singing "This world will collapse at any time" again...

As you can probably see from the watermark, these denatured effects come from FaceApp.

This application, launched in 2017, is famous for its ability to change the characters in the photos to change gender, age, youth, and change expressions. The developer is the Russian company Wireless Lab. The founder of this company was once in Yaroslav Goncharov, an engineer who has worked at Microsoft and Yandex, the “Russian version of Baidu”.

How did they "transgender"

Now the question is:

How did FaceApp make these celebrities famous?You guys are "relaxing Hanfu"?

To change the gender of the person in the photo, it is natural to manipulate the person’s eyebrows, eyes, mouth, nose, beard and hair.

These changes to the facial features of characters require reliance on important technologies in artificial intelligence


, Generative Adversarial Network, which is also a generative adversarial network.

The essence of GAN is two neural networks, a generator and a discriminator. The generator, as a hard-working painter of Party B, constantly draws various works for Party A’s discriminator to select. Party A can choose pictures that are pleasing to the eye and publish them, and reject those that are not pleasing to the eye.

The painters of Party B and the discriminators of Party A in GAN are both veteran experts who have read countless pictures. If they are asked to draw people, they will look at pictures of countless people; I watch countless cat movies.

In this way, under the strict requirements of Party A’s father, the generator can draw excellent works.

In the six years since its invention, GAN technology has been upgraded and iterated by major companies such as DeepMind and NVIDIA, creating many excellent "painting" works, such as non-existent portraits:

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The non-existent cat:

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Photos of women can also be transformed into male silhouettes:

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Of course, hair color, expression, skin color, etc. can be changed at will:

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Compared with other GANs, StarGAN has made a structural innovation:

Yes, it doesThe topological structure is in the shape of a five-pointed star, and in the middle of the five-pointed star is the "Party B Painter" generator.

Just like the five corners of a five-pointed star can be connected in the middle, the generator in the middle can connect multiple domains to draw the same character's happiness, anger, sadness, male or female, and blond hair. Pictures of different situations such as black hair.

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In StarGAN, the "Party B Painter" generator has an additional skill: following the needs of Party A's father, draw a person based on character tags such as "male", "female", "happy", and "sad". Different genders and emotions.

In addition to identifying whether the manuscript submitted by Party B is pleasing to the eye and human-like, the "Party A's Dad" discriminator has another task: to determine which label the manuscript submitted by Party B belongs to.

In this way, the generator can draw pictures as required, and after the discriminator completes the identification, it can present images with different labels such as male and female, happiness and anger, etc.

This research was published at CVPR 2018, a top conference on computer vision, and also won Oral (onstage presentation).

Two years later, the authors teamed up with researchers from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland to launch an updated version:

StarGAN v2


This updated version is even more powerful. If you look at the hair in the first version, it can almost only change the color. This time you can directly change the hairstyle.

For example, when a woman transforms into a man, her eyebrows and eye contours remain the same, but her hairstyle becomes similar to that of most men, and she also grows a thick beard:

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When a man transforms into a woman, not only does his face become rounder and fuller, his hairstyle also becomes the shawl-long hair that women prefer:

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Is it almost the same as FaceApp?

Moreover, StarGAN v2 has one more function than FaceApp:

Change into animals.

Pay attention to this kitten’s expression:

Now StarGAN v2 is about to change... Kittens with different fur colors:

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Not only can you change varieties, but you can also change species. Dog with the same expression:

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Tiger and leopard with the same expression:

To make a cat happy, be sure not to let your little local cat see it, otherwise it may try to transform into a ragdoll Siamese or other expensive breeds, which will put you out of reach.

If you want something higher than you can reach, you can choose this:


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ヾ(°°) Ganbadie

But I found a bug

But FaceApp’s gender reassignment function is not always accurate.

Qubits Korean handsome

Beautiful man

——Teacher Jin encountered a puzzling problem.

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Focus on the four buttons of the UI below: FaceApp sets "Original" to female.

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In other words, FaceApp's AI actually recognized him as


. Um? Excuse me?

Face App: What a pretty girl~

Forget it, let’s try to “change” into a man.

Then, the effect is like this. He turned black and grew a beard...

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Alas... afterwards, he himself published the distress of a beautiful man:

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We have suggested that our handsome colleagues sign up to serve as a test set for AI.

Really beautiful men and women, now the new standard for testing is to try AI sex change.

So, who do you think are the handsome men and beauties who can withstand this kind of test?