chinese clothing facts for kids, hanfu tang suit, hanju quotes

chinese clothing facts for kids, hanfu tang suit, hanju quotes

Recently, actor Huang Rihua’s daughter Huang Zhiqing uploaded photos on social platforms to share the good news that she and her father received the handmade scented candle instructor certificate. Huang Zhiqing holds the certificate in a dignified and elegant manner, and her outfit is quite artistic.

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Compared with his daughter's atmospheric photos of her certificate, her father Huang Rihua's photo pose was much more down-to-earth. He held the certificate in front of his chest and made scissor hands, smiling broadly and showing his big white teeth. Huang Rihua, who is 60 years old this year, can hardly hide the traces of time on his face. The thick bags under his eyes and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes show his age. However, his complexion is rosy and plump, and he is still full of energy.

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Previously, Huang Zhiqing had repeatedly shared photos of her father and daughter taking classes together on social platforms. In the photos, Huang Rihua was dressed simply in an apron and focused on making scented candles.

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From the first time Huang Zhiqing shared her class experience to the time she obtained the certificate, it only took 5 months to achieve success, which shows that both Huang Rihua and his daughter are quite talented. Huang Zhiqing specially arranged to take classes with her father. On the one hand, father and daughter can get along more and communicate more. At the same time, it can also help Huang Rihua develop new interests and hobbies and get over the pain of losing his wife.

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In May last year, Huang Rihua’s wife Liang Jiehua passed away due to illness. The couple had been together for 32 years and have been separated since then. Later, Huang Rihua mentioned in a variety show that when he was at his lowest mood and unwilling to go out for a long time, his friend Miao Qiaowei often called him to ask him to go out to relax and talk to him to relieve his sorrow.

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When his wife just passed away, Huang Rihua fell into grief and couldn't extricate himself. He sat in the toilet and smoked all day long. He said in the interview that now he can finally understand why some people die in love after the death of their partner, butThe thought of having a daughter and mother-in-law to take care of made him try to cheer himself up.

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The 31-year-old Huang Zhiqing is Huang Rihua’s only daughter and is still single. Two years ago, Huang Zhiqing participated in a love variety show and revealed that few boys took the initiative to pursue her because some boys were worried that Huang Rihua would be picky about her son-in-law, so they did not dare to approach her.

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As the "quasi-father-in-law", when Huang Zhiqing was dating a boy on the show, Huang Rihua watched the video in the studio and showed nervousness and concern from time to time. During the show, a male guest asked Huang Zhiqing to tell her a shortcoming about her father. Huang Zhiqing then revealed a little-known shocking fact, saying that Huang Rihua likes to wear Hanfu.

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Huang Rihua quickly explained that because men's clothing styles are often very monotonous, he would choose some more neutral Hanfu for daily matching. Huang Rihua's dressing preference surprised many guests at the scene, because Huang Rihua is remembered as a chivalrous and courageous tough guy. In fact, he also has a funny and naughty side in life.

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A few years ago, because his beloved wife fell ill, Huang Rihua deliberately reduced his work frequency to focus on taking care of his family. Now that his beloved wife has passed away, many media are curious about whether he will return to filming. In November last year, Huang Rihua accepted an interview with the media and bluntly stated that he no longer wanted to film and only wanted to enjoy life from now on.

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The death of a loved one once made Huang Rihua's life clouded, but the care and consideration of his daughter and friends gave him a ray of sunshine and helped him heal his inner trauma. When entering his sixties, Huang Rihua chose to bid farewell to the past and embrace the future, cultivate new interests and hobbies, and once again opened a new chapter in his life.