He is in the Hanfu circle丨The "male god" of Hanfu Gong Han: a "new generation" model and a former 3D game animator

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The

Cover news reporter Xie Ranan and Qiu Jingjing

Gong Han said with a smile that he is a "experienced person" in the Hanfu modeling industry. He said that he was unexpectedly called the "Hanfu male god", perhaps because of his shyness and sorry.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 1

This year is his sixth year as a Hanfu model, and his second year since he quit his job to become a full-time model. At the end of 2015, he became the first Hanfu model to return to the Han and Tang Dynasties in the country's physical Hanfu store. At that time, he graduated from Chengdu College of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and was still a 3D game animator. Being a Hanfu model was just a part-time job.

He has a Chinese character face that conforms to traditional aesthetics, a slender and tall figure, and wears metal-framed glasses. From certain angles, he looks like Shen Wei in "The Soul". Mixed in a group of good-looking Hanfu models, you will easily notice him.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 2

Now, on social platforms, his total number of fans has reached nearly one million.

If the word "Internet celebrity" itself means difference and distance from ordinary people, Gong Han is trying his best to put himself back into the position of ordinary people. He posted a vlog to share his daily life, telling netizens about the anxiety and confusion after becoming a freelancer, and his eyes turned red when he talked about those moments of loneliness and loss. He's just like any "jobber" you meet on the road, busy running around for life.

"This city makes me miserable every day, but you have the ability to make the desert bloom with roses." Someone left a message under his video. There is no doubt that he touched the hearts of many people. The soft part.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 3

Meet Hanfu

From 3D game animator to full-time model

Many life-changing moments are often It’s only when I think back on it many years later that I feel special.

For example, the first encounter between Gong Han and Hanfu.

It was at the end of 2015, a friend who was working as a model in the Hanfu store of Huihui and Tang Dynasties told him that the shop owner was looking for male models and asked him to try it out. "The first shooting was in December. I was very nervous because I didn't know what to prepare. I didn't even wear enough warm clothes and I was shivering from the cold." He didn't know much about traditional clothing and didn't even know how to wear it. Wear it, feel dizzy and complete the shooting. But I never expected that it would continue to be photographed until now.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 4

At that time, he was a 3D game animator. Generally speaking, his work content was to make the 3D models in the software move, such as making the characters walk and show individual movements. His university major is animation, and he also likes to play games. After graduation,It should be said that he liked this job quite a lot, but the work intensity was high and he finally chose to resign after he showed some signs of discomfort.

In fact, when he first resigned, Gong Han did not think about becoming a full-time model. Although he had already accumulated a good reputation in the Hanfu circle at that time, the instability of freelancing was This still makes this once-observant office worker hesitant.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 5

"My first idea was to learn videography. Animation and video also have certain similarities. I wanted to see if I could become a videographer." But two months later, he found that models still occupied the most energy.

With the continuous emergence of niche cultures such as Hanfu and animation, his modeling invitations have gradually increased. Finally, after living in Chengdu for eight years, he decided to go out and see things, so he went to Shanghai to develop, and officially embarked on the road of full-time modeling.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 6

Take more than 20,000 kilometers of high-speed rail a year

It is recommended to be prepared before choosing a freelance career

28,133 kilometers , this is Gonghan’s high-speed rail mileage in 2020, and its length exceeds half the circumference of the equator. This "business travel expert" who is afraid of flying took the high-speed rail13 cities.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 7

He shared his freelancing experience with his fans on vlog. He started taking pictures at 4:30 in the morning when he drove to the train station in the dim light of day. Work sometimes starts in the early morning, ends in the early morning, and then starts in the early morning again. "After every event or shooting, I want to go home and lie down for a few days and nights, but if I lie down for too long, I start to doubt my life."

In an interview, he also said that behind the seemingly glamorous career is also hard work and travel. Models for offline events come from all over the world, and it is common for the day and night to be reversed, and staying up all night is common.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 8

But even if he is familiar with this work and life pattern, sometimes he still asks himself, will it really stay like this in the future? Will he do something else? Will he go back to work?

He suggested that those who want to engage in freelancing should make preparations before making this choice. He also shared his feelings. He would sit on the train and stare out the window in a daze. He would be tired, feel lost and confused about the future.

He is in the Hanfu circle丨The male god of Hanfu Gong Han: a new generation model and a former 3D game animator - Image 9

If the word "Internet celebrity" itself means the difference from ordinary people, Gong Han has always been the down-to-earth kind. In the camera, he speaks a little shyly, but also very sincerely. To fans, he may be more like an ordinary big brother from the neighborhood.

Now that he lives in Suzhou, he calls it "retirement life." There are many offline activities in commercial photography, but I am still diligent, but I am still uncertain about the future. Of course, there are also differences and expectations. "I recently signed up for a class, but the details are kept secret for now. I want to try something new." Gong Han said.

(Picture provided by interviewee)