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chinese dress vancouver, hanfu drawing, chinese traditional dress hanfu

On June 26, an on-site dispatch meeting for the province’s rural cultural revitalization working mechanism was held in Heze City. After the meeting, Wang Qian, member of the Standing Committee of the Caoxian County Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, gave a brief introduction to the New Yellow River reporter on the location of early observation projects and the development of Hanfu in the county.

“Yesterday, we mainly observed three points: Caoxian’s elegant and famous home furnishing company, Caoxian’s digital economy industry, and Youai co-creation base. These three points are particularly important in our entire work of revitalizing rural culture. Representative point." Wang Qian said that Yashang Famous Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. mainly relies on national intangible cultural heritage projects to transform Caoxian willow weaving techniques into a market-oriented operation model, and its products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions around the world. The annual output value exceeds 10 billion yuan, creating employment for 100,000 people, allowing these traditional intangible heritage crafts to shine with new brilliance in the new era.

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"The Youai Co-creation Base and the digital economy industry mainly show everyone our Hanfu industry and our agricultural specialty products in Cao County, which have become a new engine for the county's rural revitalization." Wang Qian said.

New Yellow River reporters learned that during the development of the Hanfu industry, Cao County strengthened infrastructure and invested more than 10 billion yuan to build the Cao County Digital Economy Industrial Park, the Cao County E-commerce Industry Development Institute, and the Cao County E-commerce Empowerment Rural Areas Revitalization demonstration area.

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Hire experts, professors, and industry leaders to serve as expert consultants for the Hanfu industry. We also cooperate with Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Shanxi Institute of Technology and other universities to provide talent support for industrial development. At the same time, Caoxian County also developed the Caoxian Hanfu APP to promote the high integration of cultural creativity and industrial development.

According to reports, the entire Hanfu industry in Caoxian County has now created employment for 100,000 people in the county. Caoxian County has also become the largest original Hanfu production base in the country, forming a complete industrial chain and brand incubation system.

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From January to May this year, the online retail sales of Hanfu in Caoxian County reached 2.92 billion yuan, accounting for more than half of the national market share. A piece of Hanfu can be dyed, cut and ready-made within five kilometers of Caoxian County.

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“In recent years, the county party committee and the county government have attached great importance to the revitalization of rural culture, focusing on cultural creation and creation, and have done a good job in guiding, inheriting and promoting three articles. Relying on the existing cultural resource advantages, the cultural industry has been endowed with It can create a new path for rural revitalization." Wang Qian told reporters that during the Spring Festival, topics related to "Cao County Horse Face Skirt" were on the hot searches many times, with more than 1 billion clicks on the entire network, further increasing the popularity, reputation, and reputation of Chinese traditional clothing. Market awareness. Not only that, Caoxian horse-faced skirts have also appeared on international stages such as the Mid-Autumn Festival Hanfu Show in Milan, Italy, and the "30th Anniversary Ceremony of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and South Korea". Youth Hanfu clubs have been established in more than 10 countries including the United Kingdom, France, and New Zealand to show the world the beauty of Chinese clothing. , the beauty of culture, enhance the spread and influence of Chinese civilization, demonstrate and inspire our cultural confidence and national confidence.

Reporter: Li Kunran Editor: Yu Dan Proofreader: Dong Ping