No salesperson sales! “Self-service” women’s clothing stores emerge in Changsha

No salesperson sales! “Self-service” women’s clothing stores emerge in Changsha

No sales assistants! “Self-service” Hanfu stores are emerging in Changsha

Self-selected, casually tried on, cheap prices may provide new ideas for the transformation of physical clothing stores

The interior decoration of a self-service Hanfu store.

Recently, the "self-service" trend has become popular in Changsha Hanfu stores. Different from ordinary Hanfu stores, these self-service Hanfu stores focus on "self-service" for 99 yuan, "self-selected" and "try on whatever you want", with product prices ranging from 19 yuan to 159 yuan. On July 4, a reporter visited and found that many self-service Hanfu stores were opened in Changsha. A clerk told reporters, "In just one building of the May Day Shinkansen Building, 7 self-service Hanfu stores were opened in a year."

■Omni-media trainee reporter Luo Aimin

[Store] Choose independently, try on whatever you want, follow the prompts to complete the entire process

July 4 In the afternoon, a reporter from Sanxiang Metropolis Daily went to the May Day Shinkansen Building and randomly visited four self-service Hanfu stores. Even though it was a working day, many young women came to check in and shop.

The reporter observed that the clothing in the store was densely arranged, with various styles, and the prices were clearly marked, with prices ranging from 19 yuan to 159 yuan. Among them, there is a "fully self-service" Hanfu store that attracts special attention. From entering to selecting and checking out, the entire process is completed by consumers independently according to the prompts. Shop owner Zhou Zhou told reporters, "Compared with traditional Hanfu stores, our clothing styles are more prominent, and the pricing is similar to that of online shopping. There are no sales staff to follow the sales, and customers can shop as long as they want, and they can try them on at will."

Another self-service Hanfu store has clerks guarding the store. Shop assistant Xiao Yang said that her daily work mainly involves taking care of clothes, tidying up the fitting rooms and checking out, and she will not interfere too much with customers. "But if a customer asks us for help, we will also help." Xiao Yang added.

The reporter found that these stores have far more clothing categories than ordinary Hanfu stores. Taking jeans as an example, there are nearly 50 types of long jeans of different colors and styles, and dozens of denim shorts. Xiao Yang explained that most self-service Hanfu stores mainly rely on sales volume to make money, so there are many categories, and the styles range from "hot girl style" and "Lolita" to "pure lust style", basically covering all the popular styles on the

[Consumers] The prices are cheap, there are many styles, and the shopping experience is very comfortable

The reporter learned that the consumers of these self-service Hanfu stores are mostly students and Young woman just working.

“These customers are generally more sensitive to the Internet and pursue trends and cost-effectiveness. The positioning of our store just meets their needs.” Xiao Yang said.

At the scene, the reporter met Xiao Zhou, who was traveling to Changsha. "I saw recommendations online and thought the clothes here were cheap and had many styles, so I came here specifically to shop." After some shopping, Xiao Zhou spent 260 yuan on three tops and a pair of denim shorts.

"A few days ago, I tried on an ordinary suspender top on the pedestrian street. It cost several hundred yuan. I didn't buy it because it didn't fit very well. As a result, the clerk gave me a cold face." Ms. Chen, who was shopping on site, also came to check in after seeing store recommendations online. She told reporters about her previous shopping experience, "I used to make clothes, and I know that these clothes are not worth the price, and besides, it would be inappropriate not to buy them." The clothes are of course a given, but sometimes the attitude of some store clerks is really annoying.”

But the self-service Hanfu store makes Ms. Chen’s shopping experience much more comfortable. “The prices are clearly marked, and it’s easy to try on clothes.” It’s very free, I prefer to come to this kind of store.”

The reporter learned that, like Ms. Chen, most consumers found the store after seeing posts on social media. Most of these self-service Hanfu stores are located in office buildings in commercial districts. It is difficult for ordinary consumers to see the store when shopping, so social media has become their main way of attracting traffic. Several of the self-service Hanfu stores have more than 10,000 fans.


It may provide new ideas for the transformation of physical Hanfu stores

Zhouzhou’s self-service Hanfu The store has only been open for a month, and when business is good, it can sell more than 20 items a day. She decided to open such a Hanfu store because of the popularity and low cost of "self-service Hanfu". "We focus on the Internet route, and the rent and labor costs will naturally come down. Consumers are happy, and we are willing."

"This is actually a trend." Xiao Yang introduced that these self-service Hanfu stores have Many are modified from traditional Hanfu stores. "Today's young people pay more attention to cost-effectiveness and consumer experience. Forced by self-service Hanfu stores, some traditional Hanfu stores have to adjust their business models and join the ranks of self-service ones." According to her. Recall that in just one building of the May Day Shinkansen Building, "seven self-service Hanfu stores were opened in one year."

The reporter learned that in addition to Changsha, many self-service Hanfu stores in Chengdu, Wuhan and other places are also open. In recent years, under the impact of online shopping, many physical Hanfu stores have been complaining and are eager to find breakthrough points in terms of style, marketing, etc. Now self-service Hanfu stores are focusing on service and price, which may help physical Hanfu stores. Store transformation provides a new idea.

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