A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women's clothing from the country road to the international stage, the aura is super strong

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women's clothing from the country road to the international stage, the aura is super strong

On December 25, some netizens posted a video about internet celebrity model Lu Xianren on a video social platform. This video summarizes most of Lu Xianren's journey from an unknown country boy to a supermodel on the international stage.

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

Lu Xianren was originally just a young man living in the countryside and loving catwalks. In his early videos, Lu Xianren would always use the things available around him to make the clothes needed for the video catwalk. In the videos, he often dresses up in Hanfu and has a strong aura on the catwalk. Although he is not a professional, he is very professional.

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

Nowadays, Lu Xianren is no longer the young man who used to perform in the countryside. He has successfully counterattacked and entered the international stage. Nowadays, Chinese young man Lu Xianren can be seen on the stage of many brand conferences.

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

Regarding Lu Xianren, many netizens praised him as "the one God rewards with food". Some people said that Lu Xianren is very popular abroad and has become a god in overseas circles.

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

Lu Xianren, who has already appeared on the big screen, once participated in a program with Zhang Meng. In the program, Zhang Meng did not hesitate to praise him. He bluntly said that Lu Xianren can be sweet or salty and has a changeable temperament. He is a treasure boy. .

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

Today's Lu Xianren is more fashionable than before. In the newly released photos, the light-colored hair color is very eye-catching. With black sunglasses and his bronze skin, he looks like a supermodel!

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

There is also a rural supermodel in Guizhou who is in a similar situation to Lu Xianren. This girl returned to live in the country because she had to take care of her family. She also loves the modeling career very much, so she usually wears clothes made from the materials at hand and walks in high heels to walk a unique catwalk.

A country boy becomes a god in overseas circles! Wearing women

Both Lu Xianren and this girl maintain their love for the modeling career, so they will do their best to shine even in adversity. I wish them all the best and success in their careers.