The off-season is not bad, Caoxian Hanfu industry is accelerating towards standardization. The tens of billions industry behind a horse-faced skirt

The off-season is not bad, Caoxian Hanfu industry is accelerating towards standardization. The tens of billions industry behind a horse-faced skirt


The off-season is not bad, Caoxian Hanfu industry is accelerating towards standardization. The tens of billions industry behind a horse-faced skirt - Image 1

In Caoxian Youaiyuncang live broadcast base, the anchor is introducing

# College Entrance Examination Set sail Dream Life#

Horse-faced skirt. (Reported by reporter Du Yanan)


At the beginning of this year, the popularity of Caoxian horse-faced skirts swept the entire Internet. By the middle of the year, due to seasonal changes, the Hanfu industry, including horse-faced skirts, entered the off-season, but Caoxian County felt more calm at this time.

How long can the horse-faced skirt remain popular? No one can give an answer. However, during the reporter's interview, all the interviewees held a common attitude: Even if the horse-faced skirt is no longer popular, they are not worried.

Where does the "calmness" of Cao County's Hanfu industry come from?

A piece of Hanfu can be made within a radius of 5 kilometers

On the afternoon of June 24, in a newly built factory in Huozhuang Village, Ancailou Town, four jacquard machines were running. An Peng, general manager of Shandong Huaqianyuexia Textile Factory, said he was so busy during this period that he never slept before 4 a.m.

At the beginning of this year, horse-faced skirts were in great demand. Due to the huge number of orders, the fabric for horse-faced skirts was in short supply. “Customers have always come to deliver orders.”

For a long time, the jacquard fabrics used to make horse-faced skirts in Caoxian County have mainly come from Zhejiang and other places. In April this year, Anpeng purchased 6 jacquard machines and plans toIn the past three years, 22 jacquard machines have been installed.

"Now the machines run 24 hours a day and the workers work in two shifts." Although it is the off-season, An Peng behaved very calmly, "As the seasons change, horse-face skirt manufacturers will stock up in advance. Next plan With a setting machine, we can take on one more production link and expand our business.”

During the reporter’s interview, a businessman from Luoyang was inspecting and negotiating at Anpeng’s textile factory. At present, Caoxian County has become one of China's Hanfu production and sales bases, with 2,473 Hanfu upstream and downstream enterprises. Last year, Hanfu's online sales reached 7.215 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.3%. The total online and offline sales exceeded 10 billion yuan, accounting for 40% of the country's total. %above. In the first five months of this year, the online retail sales of Hanfu in Caoxian County were 2.92 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.55%.

The maturity of Caoxian Hanfu industry clustering can be described by the "5-kilometer rule": from dyeing, tailoring to ready-made clothing, a piece of Hanfu can be completed within 5 kilometers.

This maturity of industrialization can be seen in Daji Town and Ancailou Town, the "birthplaces" of Hanfu in Cao County. In these two towns, embroidery, printing, plate making, pleating, ironing and packaging, laser cutting and other stores can be seen everywhere. Each link of Hanfu production is carefully divided into a separate type of work, and each other serves as a "seller of water". people" and build an industrial chain.

An Peng said that there are currently four jacquard fabric factories in Cao County. The production capacity constraints after the popularity of horse-faced skirts have gradually eased with the increase in the number of jacquard machines. This is also one of the manifestations of the continuous improvement of the Hanfu industry chain in Caoxian County.

Going overseas, another track for Hanfu

When reporters interviewed in Daji Town at the end of 2021, Sun Kangjia, secretary of the first branch of the Sunzhuang Village Party Branch of Daji Town, once made a judgment: Cross-border e-commerce is a trend.

This spring, Meng Xiaoxia, the design director of the Caoxian Original Hanfu Industry Development Center, accompanied the provincial delegation on a trip to Italy, Switzerland, and France, and brought 15 sets of Caoxian Hanfu with her. “The original plan was just for display, but it was It was so crazy that even the Hanfu I was wearing was bought.” This experience made Meng Xiaoxia realize that “going overseas is a good port.”

Reporters are crossing the border. The international e-commerce platform Amazon saw that a horse-faced skirt sells for about US$40-70, which is equivalent to about 290-500 yuan in RMB. On domestic e-commerce platforms, the average price of horse-faced skirts is about one to two hundred yuan.

“Compared with domestic markets, overseas markets now have less competition, higher prices, and higher profit margins.” Sun Kangjia believes that although “饽饽” is fragrant, not everyone likes it. Can come and take a bite, "The rules of cross-border e-commerce platforms are relatively complicated, and it is difficult to understand and make good use of the rules, and the threshold is higher. In addition, cross-border e-commerce platforms have high requirements for spot goods, and the goods need to be shipped to designated warehouses in advance. If the control cannot be The cost is high, such as storage fees, transportation fees, destruction fees, etc.”

Compared with 3 years ago, the appearance of Daji Town is completely new, and you can see one store after another within a few steps. Hanfu exhibition hall. "Before, every household was hereSold online, as Caoxian Hanfu "came out of the circle", more and more people came here, and smart people in the town seized the business opportunity and opened an exhibition hall. "Sun Kangjia told reporters, "If you look at it in three years, it will definitely become better than it is now. ”

Sun Kangjia’s confidence comes from the increasing number of young people in Cao County. So far, Cao County has returned a total of 112,000 people to start businesses and established 43,000 economic entities of various types, with more than 11,000 people College students return to their hometowns to engage in the e-commerce industry, creating employment for 350,000 people.

The Hanfu industry is gradually becoming standardized

How long will the horse-faced skirt be popular? An Peng considered this when purchasing a jacquard machine. However, “the jacquard machine has a wide layout and can do a lot of things. In addition to horse-faced skirts, it can also make Song brocade, wall coverings, and curtain fabrics. ”

“Horse-faced skirts have now entered people’s daily lives, and the market is immeasurable. "Yao Chixing, general manager of Caoxian Luo Ruyan Hanfu brand, believes, "But it is not ruled out that there will be other new products that will replace the horse-faced skirt and become the next 'hot item'. ”

In fact, to summarize the thoughts of Hanfu companies in Caoxian County, it is essentially cultural confidence and industrial confidence in the daily life of Hanfu, and the belief that Hanfu will open up a larger consumer market.

Although the Hanfu industry in Cao County is large, its "homogenization" and "small workshops" are the most common criticisms. Cao County Hanfu is mainly distributed in 8 towns and streets, with 2 towns, Daji Town and Ancailou Town, accounting for nearly 80%. , often each household produces and sells them, resulting in the agglomeration of industries and the emergence of homogenization.

However, from imitation of other merchants' products to independent design and production, from a single simple fabric to From high-end special fabrics to branding, the Hanfu industry in Caoxian County is gradually moving toward standardization.

On the morning of June 24, Yao Chixing walked into the live broadcast room to prepare for the start of the broadcast. Outside the live broadcast room is the Youai Yuncang live broadcast base. Hanfu exhibition hall. Here, from horse-faced skirts to improved summer horse-faced skirts, from new Chinese academic uniforms to wedding robes, high-quality Hanfus selected from merchants in various towns and villages are displayed here one by one, waiting for the live broadcast room. of consumers choose to place an order.

Youai Yuncang Live Broadcast Base is one of the leading companies in Hanfu in Caoxian County. It is also the first live broadcast base in Caoxian County that focuses on the "cangbang" model. Hanfu manufacturers with display conditions provide a centralized live broadcast "window", which has become an important platform for the sales of original Hanfu in Caoxian County.

"Without e-commerce, Caoxian Hanfu would not be what it is today. " Liu Xia, deputy director of Cao County E-commerce Service Center, said. Cao County has 21 "Taobao towns" and 176 "Taobao villages", accounting for 1/10 and 1/5 of the province respectively. Among them, the number of Taobao towns ranks first among domestic counties. , Ancailou Town has the largest number of Taobao villages in the country. Nowadays, the concept of "Taobao Town" is no longer widely mentioned, but the e-commerce thinking has left a deep imprint in Caoxian County.

With the accumulation of the industry, local brands in Caoxian County such as Luo Ruyan and Huashenji are gradually developing to the top of the industry, and the formulation of Hanfu standards has also been put on the agenda. Liu Xia said: "About the formulation of Hanfu industry standards., we now have a preliminary plan, hoping to lead the standardized development of the Hanfu industry. ”

Source: Popular News Client Our reporter: Du Yanan