Well-known women's clothing brand Mark Hua Fei is suspected of "escape". There are no counters selling it in Jiji, and it is difficult to refund membership fees.

Well-known women's clothing brand Mark Hua Fei is suspected of

As a well-known domestic clothing brand, Mark Hua Fei Hanfu is loved by many female consumers. Walking on the streets of Jinan, in various commercial complexes, you can see brand counters everywhere. However, in recent days, many Jinan citizens have discovered that this brand of Hanfu has "disappeared" in Jinan. "I went to the Mark Hua Fei Hanfu counter in Impression City in 2019. I signed up for a membership and recharged 3,000 yuan, but when I went to shop a few days ago, I discovered that this brand had been withdrawn from the counter." Ms. Zhang, a citizen, said that after discovering that the Impression City counter had been withdrawn, she immediately searched for other counters in Jinan and wanted to return. I paid for the recharge, but found that the brand was no longer available at any counter in Jinan...

Well-known women

On the 8th, on the 2nd floor of Impression City, the counter that originally sold Mark Hua Fei Hanfu has been blocked.

After recharging 3,000 yuan, the Hanfu counter closed the store and removed the counters without any notification


"I applied for membership recharge at Mark Huafei Hanfu in Impression City in 2019." Back on December 24, 2019, it was Christmas Eve. Ms. Zhang, like many young people, made the same choice While shopping, when she was shopping for clothes on the second floor of Impression City, she spotted two dresses at the Mark Hua Fei Hanfu Store. “It was in time for the year-end activities and I thought it would be a good time to buy them,” she said.

At that time, the clerk told Ms. Zhang that in addition to discounts when buying clothes now, the store also has stored-value gift activities. If you become a member and recharge 3,000 yuan, you can get 1,000 yuan as a gift, which is equivalent to 25% off. Despite the clerk's repeated persuasion, Ms. Zhang finally handled the recharge business in the store after a brief thought.

“Since recharging, there has never been a particularly good opportunity, and I have never gone to that store to make purchases.” Ms. Zhang said that just over a week ago, at the end of the year, she went to get the impression for herself. When I was shopping in Chengcheng, I remembered that I still had recharge at this Hanfu store, and wanted to pick out a few clothes to spend. "But I searched around and couldn't find it. I asked the service desk and found out that this store had been withdrawn from the mall in November 2020." Cabinet."

On the WeChat public account of Mark Huafei Hanfu, Ms. Zhang found her consumption record more than a year ago, which totaled 1,414 yuan, even thoughNot counting the 1,000 yuan given away, she still had at least 1,386 yuan of recharge at this brand counter that she had not spent. However, Ms. Zhang said that she had never received any notice from the brand about withdrawing the counter, "I'm doing it." They all had their phone numbers when they were members."

After discovering the problem, Ms. Zhang immediately contacted Impression City. The other party said that the Hanfu store had notified recharge customers when it removed the counters. "But the fact is that I did not know this." Something happened." Ms. Zhang said that in the past few days when she went to the mall to inquire about the situation, she met several groups of customers who encountered the same problem. They formed a rights protection group of more than ten people. Like her, everyone recharged their money at the Mark Hua Fei Hanfu store, and now they are facing a situation where they have nowhere to refund their money. "The amount of recharge varies. On average, the amount to be refunded per person is about 2,000 yuan."

There are no more counters selling in Zaiji, and it is difficult to refund the stored value amount

"Actually, if only one counter has withdrawn, we have not yet If you are so scared, you can just buy it in another store. The problem now is that there are no counters for this brand of Hanfu in Jinan.” According to Ms. Zhang, a New Times reporter checked on the WeChat public account of Mark Huafei Hanfu and it showed that the brand is in Jinan. There are 8 counters in total. On the morning of the 7th, New Times reporters visited several counters in Plaza 66, Jingsi Wanda Plaza, Harmony Plaza and others based on the above addresses, and found that some had been cleared and closed, and some had simply been replaced by others. brand.

Well-known women

On the 7th, in Wanda Plaza on Jingsi Road, the counter that originally sold Mark Hua Fei Hanfu has been blocked.

Subsequently, according to the contact number of the store on the WeChat official account, New Times reporters one by one Most of the calls to inquire were answered by no one. Only a clerk who had worked in the Hanfu brand confirmed Ms. Zhang’s statement, “There should be no counters in Jinan now. Before, there were only counters in Plaza 66 and Impression City. Recently, these two companies have also withdrawn their stores.”

Ms. Zhang said that after the incident, she repeatedly called the person in charge of the store named Zhang, but no one answered her calls.I also tried to contact the official flagship store of Mark Hua Fei Hanfu brand on the e-commerce platform, but the customer service said that the company manages online and offline separately, and they could not handle it.

Enterprise industrial and commercial registration information shows that the company owned by Mark Huafei Hanfu is Shanghai Hexin Industrial Co., Ltd., which has a total of 4 branches in Jinan, 2 of which have been cancelled, and the two that have not been cancelled are shown according to their registered addresses. The two counters of the brand located in Plaza 66 and Impression City have actually ended operations. Subsequent calls to the official 400 customer service number were not answered many times.

If there is a suspected problem in brand management, you can complain to the local regulatory authorities

The New Times reporter noticed that although consumers such as Ms. Zhang said they had not received Notice of brand withdrawal, but the Hanfu brand has revealed some clues in its promotion. On its official Weibo, the latest update was on October 30, 2020, and no new products were released after that. Before that, , the official Weibo will have several new content updates every month.

On the morning of the 8th, in the Hanfu sales area on the 2nd floor of Impression City, the front of the store that originally belonged to the Mark Hua Fei Hanfu counter was blocked by advertisements. Regarding the withdrawal of the brand, a staff member of the mall said that it has been Communicate about this. "This store was withdrawn from the mall at the end of November 2020. We probably learned of their intention to withdraw the counters in September last year." The staff said that before that, the brand's counters in Jinan had already The counters were being withdrawn one after another. Impression City was the last counter. It had also digested a number of customers transferred from other shopping malls before, so it handled matters related to its withdrawal more cautiously, "including posting withdrawal notices at the mall service desk and stores." The above-mentioned staff member said that when Mark Hua Fei Hanfu removed its counters, it said that it had sent text message notifications to customers who had made recharges, "because this brand is independently operated and the funds are not passed through." As for the shopping mall, we have no control over the information. The shopping mall is very sorry that such a thing happened, and we are also willing to provide some legal help for customers to safeguard their rights. ”

Well-known women

In communication, the workThe staff frankly said that in addition to the customers in Ms. Zhang’s rights protection group, the brand also has many customers who have recharged at various counters in Jinan and are waiting for refunds. The mall is also actively contacting the brand. In fact, the mall is also one of the victims. The other party is still in arrears with some of the rent that has not yet been paid. "But the current situation is that all the company employees we can contact have resigned, and some employees said that their wages are still in arrears." The staff said that based on what they have learned so far According to the situation, Mark Huafei Hanfu's company has already encountered problems in its current operating conditions.

In this regard, Huang Xiwen, a lawyer at Shandong Zhengdu Law Firm, said that as a lessor of business premises, shopping malls have certain supervisory responsibilities for the brands that enter. “It depends on whether the shopping mall has fulfilled its obligations to customers during this process. "Duty to inform." Huang Xiwen said that the brand is undoubtedly the most responsible party in this incident. In view of the current situation, consumers can complain to the market supervision department where the brand company is located, or seek legal means to solve the problem.

New Times reporter: Yu Dan

Photography: Yu Dan