Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women's clothing exceeded the legal limit by more than 20 times! The company involved has been deregistered

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women's clothing exceeded the legal limit by more than 20 times! The company involved has been deregistered

The State Administration for Market Regulation recently released the latest supervision and spot inspection results of online casual clothing products. After spot inspections of 304 batches of products from 291 companies in 15 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, it was found that 246 batches of products were qualified. , accounting for over 80%. The remaining 58 batches of products were unqualified, with a failure rate of 19.2%. The main unqualified items are fiber content, color fastness, pH value, and decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes. Among the unqualified products, 47 batches of products were unqualified due to fiber content.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Some products have incorrect ingredients and unclear fiber content

In this national spot inspection, a large number of casual clothing failed due to fiber content. In addition to incorrect labeling of ingredient content, the fiber labeling of some products can also easily confuse consumers. For example, the texture of this women's dress is obviously different from other clothing. It feels smooth to the touch and has a noticeable drapey feel. The hangtag of the clothing says that the fabric is 100% "acetate satin".

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute Engineer Chen Zeyun: This As for the dress, it is marked as 100% acetate satin. As an ordinary consumer, when you see this sample and this tag, you may think of our common satin fabric. Its feel and appearance are similar to satin fabric. The ones are somewhat similar, smoother, and really reminiscent of the feel of satin.

The testing engineer discovered through a series of professional testing methods such as microscope observation and burning that this dress marked 100% "acetate satin" is not the same as the satin in the consumer's impression. Not much of a connection.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Chen Zeyun, engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute:

We detected the fiber content of the sample and found that it was actually 100% polyester fiber, which is pure fiber.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

The testing engineer told reporters that the fiber content was Important indicators that determine the performance characteristics of textile products should clearly indicate the actual constituent materials and content. Although some man-made fibers resemble natural fibers such as mulberry silk in appearance, luster, texture and feel, the labeling of fiber content can only be based on the actual fiber.Label the product by its genus name, and do not use irregular labels such as "acetate satin" to avoid misleading consumers.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Hu Minzhuan, senior engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute : In terms of quality control, some companies may directly use the fiber information of this fabric manufacturer without further detailed confirmation and testing. Some companies may even use shoddy goods to pass off false labels and make illegal profits. Benefit.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Unqualified color fastness affects consumers’ daily wearing experience

This supervisory inspection also found that there are many unqualified batches of casual clothing in items such as color fastness and pH value.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Color fastness refers to the During use or processing, textileThe dyes on the product can still maintain the original color properties to a certain extent after being exposed to sunlight, washing, sweating, friction, etc. At the inspection site, the reporter saw textile products with poor color fastness. The dyes are easy to fall off and fade, seriously affecting the aesthetics of the clothing.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Pan Ting, engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute: passed the experiment It can be seen that the nylon lining of the sample after our experiment has obviously changed color and is more yellowish. Compared with a sample that has not been tested, it is obvious that the color has changed. When people wear it, if it rains or sweats, the dye will stick to other clothes or people's skin. First, it will affect the appearance of the clothes, and second, some harmful substances in the dye will be affected. (If it exceeds the standard) it will affect human health.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Unqualified pH value may be irritating to the skin

The reporter learned that during the production process, clothing will produce acidity and alkalinity, that is, pH value, after being washed or adding relevant additives and dyes. The testing engineer told reporters that pH value is an important safety indicator in clothing quality projects. Because human skin is weakly acidic, if the pH value of textile products is too high or too low, it will destroy the surface balance of the skin and be detrimental to the health of human skin. The reporter learned that for textiles with good skin-friendly properties, the pH value should be between weakly acidic and neutral. If consumers experience inflammation and itching on their skin after wearing casual clothing, it may be caused by unqualified pH value.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Liao Minglong, engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute: Such pH Clothes whose value exceeds the standard will definitely have a certain indirect irritating and corrosive effect on the human skin.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Excessive carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes pose health risks

In this random inspection, testing engineers also detected products that exceeded the standard for decomposable and carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes. Experts said that the pass rate of this project is generally relatively high, and in the past, it was not often found to be unqualified, but once it is found to be unqualified, the health risks will be relatively high.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

During the testing process, this item was labeled as Shenzhen City The fashionable Hanfu produced by Anruoyi E-commerce Co., Ltd. was found to contain a carcinogenic aromatic amine dye called "benzidine" that exceeded the legal limit.Very serious.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Hu Minzhuan, senior engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute : The standard requires the content to be less than 20 mg per kilogram, but the actual amount detected exceeded 500 mg per kilogram, more than 20 times the standard.

Testing engineers told reporters that the actual measurement of carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes is as high as 540 mg per kilogram, which is 27 times higher than the standard. This means that the carcinogenic dyes have a high concentration and are harmful to human health. The security risks are also higher.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Du Chao, engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute: Because It can decompose carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, which will have carcinogenic effects on the human body and increase the probability of inducing cancer in the human body.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

The reporter learned from the investigation, dyes synthesized from carcinogenic aromatic amines. During long-term contact with the human body, their harmful ingredients are absorbed by the skin and decompose under special conditions to produce more than 20 carcinogenic aromatic amines, forming carcinogenic aromatic amine compounds, which are changed through activation. The DNA structure of the human body causes lesions and malignant tumor-inducing substances, leading to malignant diseases such as bladder cancer, ureteral cancer, and renal pelvis cancer.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

The test found that this product was labeled as Dongguan City Manbang The content of carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes found in denim vests produced by E-commerce Co., Ltd. also exceeded the standard value, reaching 30 mg per kilogram.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Hu Minzhuan, senior engineer of Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute : Some companies also want to reduce some costs and may not pay attention to environmental protection requirements.

Sampling inspection found that carcinogens in women

Effectively track unqualified enterprises and urge them to correct their mistakes

The reporter learned that based on the results of this casual clothing spot inspection, the testing agency has issued product quality improvement proposals to unqualified production enterprises. The State Administration for Market Regulation will continue to carry out quality supervision of casual clothing products, effectively track unqualified enterprises, urge enterprises to correct mistakes, and protect consumer rights and interests.


Editor/Tao Yinsheng

Approval/Qiao Hong

Producer/Xi Shujun

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