Investigation into the weird phenomenon of small sizes in adult women's clothing. You can fit into children's clothing but you can't fit into women's clothing of the same size.

Investigation into the weird phenomenon of small sizes in adult women's clothing. You can fit into children's clothing but you can't fit into women's clothing of the same size.


Original title: I can fit into children’s clothes, but I can’t fit into the same size of Hanfu

“Are adult Hanfu sizes getting smaller and smaller? "?!" Ms. Wang from Heping District, Tianjin recently went to the mall to buy clothes and couldn't help but wonder - she took a fancy to a T-shirt and ordered one in size M (size 160) according to her figure. I tried to put it on, but found that I couldn’t put it on at all.

She has encountered similar situations many times. She used to wear M size, but in the past two years, M size Hanfu seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. She once suspected that she was too fat and needed to lose weight. , quite anxious, but in fact my body shape and weight have not changed much in the past few years.

“Once, I tried on my child’s size 160 T-shirt, and it was no problem at all. The size M T-shirt I bought a few years ago can also be worn.” Ms. Wang told " According to a reporter from Rule of Law Daily, many female friends around me have also discovered this phenomenon. Some netizens complained that the adult Hanfu, which weighs 92 pounds and cannot fit into, fits my younger sister, who weighs 35 pounds, just right.

Experts interviewed believe that some businesses use small sizes as a gimmick, claiming that "wearing small-sized clothes is a test of women's figures", and advocating small-sized Hanfu is suspected of violating advertising laws. Consumers must bravely supervise businesses and say "no" to unreasonable clothing sizes; in the field of clothing, my country has issued corresponding national standards, and companies should produce clothing in accordance with national standards.

The sizes of adult Hanfu are getting smaller and smaller

“This year’s Hanfu is so ridiculously small.”

On social platforms, a blogger posted a video complaining. In the video, a young woman showed off the L-size summer Hanfu sling she bought. When she tried it on, she, who was 168cm tall and weighed less than 110 kilograms, couldn’t fit it in. “In the past, L size usually weighed 54kg to 60kg. Anyone can wear it, why is the L size so small now?”

Ms. Huang from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, used to be a fan of small-size Hanfu. Even though she has a slender figure, she doesn’t like the “small-size style” that some merchants promote today. She told reporters that she used to buy XS and S size clothes in the store, but this summer she went to a brand store to buy a vest, and she couldn't fit into the M size. "My figure has not changed over the years, but I didn't expect that the size of Hanfu has shrunk!"

"Businesses can design clothing according to public aesthetics and user needs, but they cannot 'change' the size randomly, and they should not shrink the size." Size is promoted as a business model,” Ms. Huang said bluntly.

Ms. Wang deeply agrees with this: "Nowadays, weight loss has become a trend among women, and businesses have to make the normal sizes of clothes smaller. This will aggravate women's body anxiety and even cause some girls to become sick. Lose weight.”

In the opinion of Ms. Zhang, a Beijing citizen, some businesses deliberately make sizes smaller in the name of “slim fit” and “good-looking” and “wearing small-sized clothes is a test of a woman’s figure.” In fact, This has led to women being “size bullied”. “My weight has not changed much in recent years, but my clothes have become bigger and bigger. I used to wear size M., now I have to wear L and XL sizes. Sometimes I don’t dare to go to the mall to buy clothes with my friends, which invisibly causes body anxiety. ”

Once, Ms. Zhang tried on a piece of L-size clothing, but it still looked too small. The clerk directly called the warehouse staff to bring the largest size, which made her feel very embarrassed. However, she recently discovered that, Large-sized children's clothing seems to be a substitute for adult Hanfu - she found in a certain brand of children's clothing store that a size 160 top has a waist circumference of 80cm, which is very loose and comfortable to wear. However, in a certain brand of Hanfu not far away, a size 160 top has a waistline of only 62cm.

Not only offline brand stores, but also the sizes of Hanfu sold in some online live broadcast rooms are also too small. Ms. Zong from Jinan, Shandong Province said that she bought several clothes in the live broadcast room some time ago and they were all shipped. If you can't fit it, when you buy clothes later, you have to order one or two sizes larger than the size given by the anchor. Ms. Zong told reporters that she measured and found that the chest measurement of the XXXL size clothes recently purchased online was 86cm, and the waist measurement was 77cm. The size L clothes I bought in a specialty store a few years ago have a bust measurement of 88cm and a waist measurement of 78cm, which is a bit "bigger" than XXXL.

The reporter recently visited several shopping malls in Dongcheng and Xicheng of Beijing and found that many merchants will carry the size. Small tight-fitting clothes are displayed in a conspicuous place on the counter. In a store with slogans such as "Hot Girl Club", various styles of T-shirts and dresses are very mini, such as a size 160 skirt, the waist width of which is even wider. It’s only about the same length as a woman’s forearm, less than 30cm on one side. The merchant said that the women who come here to buy clothes are all in good shape.

In a Hanfu store, the reporter saw a camisole top. (size 160), the measured waist is only 60cm, and all the clothes in the store are one-size-fits-all. When the reporter asked to choose clothes for a friend who is nearly 160cm tall and weighs nearly 100 pounds, the clerk suggested buying a loose version to avoid being unable to fit. .

“When I came in, I thought I was walking into a children’s clothing store. How could an adult woman wear such small clothes? "The boy who was waiting for his girlfriend to buy clothes in the Hanfu store said that he finally knew why his well-proportioned girlfriend kept shouting about losing weight. "It should have something to do with the shrinkage of clothes in the clothing store."

In addition, the reporter noticed that there is also a trend of small sizes and BM (Brandy Melville, a kind of clothing suitable for thin and thin girls) on social platforms. The reporter searched for "BM outfits" on a social app. ", and then many posts popped up, such as "Collection of BM style tops", "Be a BM girl", etc.

"My height is 170cm and my weight is less than 105 catties. "A blogger who looks very thin shared his experience of trying on BM-style clothes on his account. He still "feels really strong and has the urge to be thinner."

Abnormal aesthetics Profit-oriented superposition

The sizes of Hanfu are getting smaller and smaller. Is it because the merchants are trying to save costs or are they deliberately creating "body anxiety"?

The interviewed experts believe that the size of Hanfu is getting smaller and smaller. abnormalDue to aesthetics and interests orientation.

"Market regulation is spontaneous. Some merchants deliberately make Hanfu sizes smaller and smaller, necessarily because they are profitable. This is a comprehensive reflection of market choice and the guidance of certain public opinions." Human Rights of Southwest University of Political Science and Law Liu Qiucen, associate professor at the institute, said.

She further analyzed that on the one hand, the sizes of merchants are getting smaller and smaller, and bloggers wear small-sized clothes to attract traffic, all because they are popular and some people are willing to pay for it; on the other hand, these merchants and bloggers The Lord once again intensified the self-doubt and anxiety of ordinary people through propaganda - it seems that the entire Internet is full of people with model figures. If they cannot fit into small-size clothes, they are unhealthy and unattractive. They may even blindly lose weight in unhealthy ways and pursue the so-called "perfection". figure".

According to Fang Jie, director of the Marriage and Family Affairs Department of Shanghai Yingdong Law Firm, the reason why Hanfu sizes are getting smaller and smaller is the popular "white, thin and young" aesthetic. This aesthetic standard has given rise to a "vanity sizing" marketing strategy, which exploits consumers' psychology of catering to the so-called mainstream aesthetic, thereby further increasing sales of small-size clothing.

In her opinion, the "white, thin and young" aesthetic is a convergence of aesthetics from a male perspective. Merchants use small sizes as a gimmick, saying that "wearing small size clothes is a test of women's figures" is undoubtedly another Looking at the problem from the wrong angle. As a result, some female consumers have been subjected to PUA (mind control) by bad online trends, and have turned from consumers of clothing into "slaves" of clothing.

"'Freedom to dress' is a basic personal right. Advocating the commercial method of trying on small-size clothes is a restriction on the freedom of dressing and a 'bullying' of women's figures. Taking advantage of 'white thinness' "Young aesthetics kidnap women, vigorously market small-size Hanfu, and sell body anxiety, which violates the principle of non-discrimination in corporate activities," Fang Jie said.

Improve the system and implement standard sizes

Are there relevant standards for Hanfu sizes?

Fang Jie said that my country’s national standards for Hanfu clothing styles have gone through several important stages of development. As early as 1981, the Hanfu size standard was formulated based on the national body measurement data at that time; in 1991, the relevant departments issued the first version of the systematic national standard for clothing size, which was mandatory; in 1997, my country's clothing size standard The national standard for size is revised and changed to a recommended standard.

“The last comprehensive revision of Hanfu clothing size standards was in 2008, when the previous GB/T 1335.2-1997 was replaced by “Women’s Clothing Sizes (GB/T 1335.2-2008)”. "There hasn't been much change, and the human body shape data is still based on previous measurements." Fang Jie said that when clothing standards can no longer adapt to changes in women's body shape and aesthetics, and the recommended standards are only reference data for merchants, then clothing size standards. The "decision makers" gradually turned into merchants chasing market interests, and this is how smaller and smaller Hanfu came into being.

The reporter noticed during the investigation that as Hanfu continues to "shrink", many women are unbearable and even appearIt has exposed the phenomenon of some women losing weight just to fit into the staggeringly narrow sizes of clothes.

In Liu Qiucen’s view, if we want to solve the problem of Hanfu size, we should not advocate binding clothing sizes to body standards, in order to constrain aesthetics and social evaluation standards. If we pursue small-size Hanfu too much, there will be consequences. More and more women are sacrificing their health in pursuit of perfection. Society should recognize beauty in diversity.

Fang Jie found that what is gratifying is that the current society has gradually realized that it is unreasonable for Hanfu to be smaller and smaller. Many women have dared to say "I can't wear it" to small-sized Hanfu. Get in, but it’s not my problem”.

“We should face up to the fact that the national recommended standards are too outdated and cannot adapt to changes in women’s body shapes. It is recommended that relevant departments update the national body shape data and revise clothing size standards accordingly.” Fang Jie suggested that although at present Our country does not have legislative regulations on abnormal clothing sizes. However, when faced with the chaos of clothing sizes, regulatory authorities can choose to adopt a pilot approach and centrally require the implementation of standard sizes for major popular clothing brands to guide and promote the establishment of a healthier clothing industry. and positive industry norms.

“When consumers find that the clothing size is too small to meet the public body standards, they can report it to the market supervision and other departments. The abnormality of clothing size represents the unqualified product quality to a certain extent. Consumers Associations and others should take the initiative to discover and solve the problem. "In Fang Jie's view, businesses promoting small-size Hanfu are suspected of violating advertising laws, and are even suspected of defrauding consumers. For merchants suspected of violating advertising laws, the market supervision and management department should investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law. For merchants suspected of fraud, consumers can safeguard their rights by complaining and reporting to the market supervision and management department, or they can safeguard their rights through litigation.

“Article 34 of the newly revised Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests stipulates that people’s governments at all levels shall consider the special needs of women when planning and building infrastructure, and provide public toilets and maternal and child rooms that meet the needs of women. and other public facilities. It can be seen that the configuration of public facilities such as maternal and child rooms and women's toilets also needs to be taken seriously by society and treated fairly and reasonably," said Fang Jie.

Our reporter’s trainee Ding Yi

Our reporter Chen Lei

[Source: Rule of Law Daily]