Hanfu cultural activities enter the countryside, showing the ancient charm and rural style of Qujiang, Shaoguan

Hanfu cultural activities enter the countryside, showing the ancient charm and rural style of Qujiang, Shaoguan

In order to promote traditional Chinese culture and experience the historical charm and cultural charm of Caojiaowan Village, Caojiaowan Village, Xiaokeng Town, Qujiang District, Shaoguan recently held the "Ancient Rhythm of Caojiaowan, Chinese Clothing Reflects the Elegance" Hanfu cultural tourism event .

Hanfu cultural activities enter the countryside, showing the ancient charm and rural style of Qujiang, Shaoguan - Image 1

Hanfu cultural activities enter the countryside, showing the ancient charm and rural style of Qujiang, Shaoguan - Image 2

During the event, Hanfu enthusiasts showed off the profound connotation of Hanfu culture through their costumes and retro etiquette behaviors, allowing the audience to appreciate the elegance, elegance and elegance of "Hanfu elegance". The event also included the dance "The State of Etiquette", the gesture dance "The Story of the Bookish Boy", the melodrama "Dream of the Red Mansions", the situational catwalk "Reciting the Rhythm of the Four Seasons and Reading the Field Farm" and Caojiawan's "Context passed down for thousands of years·The opening ceremony of the ancient village" Waiting for the show, the atmosphere is strong.

Hanfu cultural activities enter the countryside, showing the ancient charm and rural style of Qujiang, Shaoguan - Image 3

It is understood that this timeThe event is directed by Qujiang District Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, hosted by the district library, and hosted by Shaoguan Hanfu·Hanyi Culture. It aims to promote the rich humanities, history, folk culture, natural resources, agricultural relics, etc. of Caojiaowan Village, Xiaokeng Town. . At the same time, it integrates elements of Hanfu culture and carries out unique Hanfu activities to promote the cultural tourism characteristics of Qujiang, attract more people to know Qujiang, learn about Xiaokeng, and enter the "Jiuling Hometown Baili Gallery" ecological leisure vacation An important node of the tourist demonstration route - Caojiao Bay, you can enjoy the beautiful mountains and rivers of Qujiang.

Text and pictures | Reporter Ouyang Zhiqiang Correspondent Tang Zhongxiang Pan Rongji