British gay man was forced by his husband's family to dress as a woman and get married, doing housework 18 hours a day

British gay man was forced by his husband's family to dress as a woman and get married, doing housework 18 hours a day

British gay man was forced by his husband

[Global Network Comprehensive Report] According to the British "Daily Mail" report on March 3, Roy Singh, a 29-year-old gay man in the United Kingdom, was asked by his husband's family to wear Hanfu at the wedding to protect the family honor. , and even suffered inhuman abuse for nine months after their marriage.

British gay man was forced by his husband

Roy met and fell in love with her husband when he was 18, but his family believed in Sikhism, which opposed homosexuality. At the wedding, Roy was asked to wear a wig, heavy makeup, and high heels to pretend to be a bride. Because her husband's family did not want anyone to know their son's homosexuality, his mother-in-law also told the guests that her daughter-in-law was a widow who grew up in an orphanage.

Roy's ordeal was far from over. During the nine months after his marriage, he lived a slave-like life. He was called by his female name Lucky, had to wear Hanfu at all times, did housework for 18 hours a day, was forced to go on a diet, was not allowed to use the toilet, and often could not see his husband. To make matters worse, his mother-in-law took him to his parents' house and told his parents what had happened. His parents could not accept this ridiculous marriage and scolded Roy not to come home again.

Eventually Roy escaped into the asylum. Just four months later, news came that his husband was about to marry a woman. Roy collapsed and attempted suicide.He said, "I put on my wedding dress, walked into the river and cut my wrists to commit suicide. They twisted me into a wife, so I wanted to kill this wife." Fortunately, passers-by came to the rescue and Roy was taken to the hospital. His parents took him home and gave him support.

Now, the brave Roy can still dress up as Lucky in Hanfu. His ex-husband also apologized to him through newspapers. (Internship compiler: Hu Wantian Reviewer: Zhu Yingku)