GMV exceeded 10 million within 45 days of broadcasting, and "Hangzhou Industry Leads Women's Wear" is experiencing explosive growth in Kuaishou

GMV exceeded 10 million within 45 days of broadcasting, and

"Our advantage is our professionalism in clothing management, and the quality of our goods is absolutely guaranteed." The anchor "Landlord", who has accumulated 850,000 fans in less than half a year after joining Kuaishou, put it bluntly that Hangzhou's industry has been growing this year The reasons why merchants can quickly start and rise strongly on Kuaishou e-commerce.

In recent years, "women's marketing" has become a new consumer trend, and with the awakening of "her consciousness", a new consumption pattern for female consumer groups has gradually formed. The "Hangzhou Industrial Belt Hanfu" merchants are backed by Hangzhou's traditional clothing industry belt, which has strong production and design capabilities, has taken advantage of Kuaishou e-commerce to achieve explosive growth in sales in the short term based on users' new consumption habits.

In fact, Hangzhou has inherent advantages in the garment industry and industry development with its thousands of years of historical and cultural accumulation and unique geographical location. On the basis of taking the lead in strengthening the "Hangzhou Hanfu Industrial Belt", Hangzhou plans to build a globally influential Hangzhou goods network distribution and wholesale system within a few years, and Kuaishou e-commerce has opened a new window for the "Hangzhou Hanfu Industrial Belt" to transform into a new market. online access.

GMV exceeded 10 million within 45 days of broadcasting, and Hangzhou Industry Leads Women

Driven by Kuaishou e-commerce’s strategy of “developing industrial belts”, many Hanfu merchants in Hangzhou’s industrial belt have achieved rapid development in Kuaishou e-commerce. Among them, merchants from Hangzhou’s industrial belt have achieved “landlord-only sell high-end” policies. In just 45 days after the broadcast, monthly sales exceeded 10 million, and single-game GMV exceeded 1.4 million; Kuaishou's new brands "Zhibai-High-end Hanfu" and "N28-Dongze", also from Hangzhou's industrial belt, also passed solid methodology In operation, when the broadcast started with zero fans, the account was able to "break the ice" in a short period of time and help GMV continue to rise. So, what is their business secret?

Clear "how to broadcast": Create anchor personality + control the rhythm of live broadcast to lay the foundation for GMV explosion

In the new consumption environment with rising consumer awareness, how can brands establish relationships with consumers in a short period of time? "Effective communication" has become a major proposition in the brand sales process, and for short video live broadcast platforms, the creation of live broadcast personalities is the key to establishing "effective communication" with consumers.

As for the key issue of "how to choose anchors" for brand live broadcasts, each brand has its own set of selection criteria. In short, it is to choose the right anchor according to the brand's tone.Anchor. A "landlord" who has been engaged in supply chain production for more than ten years shared his experience, "When we were doing supply chain before, we used a cooperative system with anchors. At that time, there were two to three hundred anchors who cooperated. But after coming to Kuaishou, I found this This format is not suitable for Kuaishou. Kuaishou's anchors pay more attention to the creation of characters. Our two anchors mainly take the "real" route and think more about fans, so as to cultivate fan stickiness and increase fans' trust and brand. Loyalty."

When it comes to selecting anchors, "Landlord" also has its own set of standards. "First of all, you must understand the product and be able to introduce product information clearly, so that consumers can understand the product before they buy it; secondly, you must have experience and know how to interact with fans to create a better live broadcast atmosphere."

In fact, as the "brand representative" who directly faces consumers, anchors play a key role in building brand personality. To this end, two new brands, N28 Hanfu and Zhibai, have also worked hard to create anchor characters. The person in charge of N28 Hanfu operations said: "In order to create affinity, we chose Dongze, a young man from Northeast China, as the anchor. We also created a 'boss' character for him and added his name to the account name to create a live broadcast atmosphere where the boss can communicate with fans at close range, further enhancing fans' trust and thus driving GMV growth. ”

In addition to creating the personality of the anchor, if a live broadcast is to be successful, it is also necessary to control the rhythm of the live broadcast. Landlord said: "We start live broadcasting at 11 o'clock in the morning and continue broadcasting until 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The purpose is to appear in front of fans frequently and increase everyone's attention." In addition, every live broadcast of Landlord's home will basically use male and female anchors. Paired with the way to explain the products, the whole live broadcast has a more rhythmic feel.

As a new brand, N28 Hanfu has entered Kuaishou e-commerce since November 2021. It adopts the method of trial broadcasting in the morning and evening shows, and has gradually figured out a live broadcast rhythm that suits it. At the same time, N28 will also adjust the live broadcast at any time according to the level of fan activity, thereby achieving continuous improvement in GMV.

Determine “what to sell”: insist on goods being king + service first, and promote the conversion rate of fans

In the era of short videos, if brands want to attract users quickly, they need not only “linguistic nails” but also “visual” hammer". In the Kuaishou Hanfu clothing track, merchants in Hangzhou's industrial belt who have their own factories are obviously more capable of catching the attention of fans.

“We have 8 factories of our own, and 70% of our products are produced by ourselves. Our main categories such as coats and sweaters are all produced by ourselves, ensuring that the quality of each product is guaranteed.” Landlord" introduced.

Zhibai Hanfu operations manager Lao Zheng, who has been focusing on the production of Hanfu for 20 years, said bluntly, I will make whatever fans like. “Our products are all produced according to the needs and preferences of fans. Before the live broadcast, Collect data through preheating, conduct data analysis, and then finalize the goods.”

N28 Hanfu accurately measures the quality of clothes to “gram weight.”". "We have been a brand OEM for many years. We all hope to achieve excellence in the fabrics, stitching and even weight of the clothes. Moreover, we have our own designers who can independently design trendy styles, and the factory quality inspection department is even more strict. There are more than 40 employees who strictly control product quality. ”

Not only in terms of quality, but also in response to the slightly lower prices of spring and summer clothing products, which has caused fluctuations in unit prices, merchants in Hangzhou’s industrial belt have also put a lot of thought into assembling goods. “Landlord” was in the live broadcast In the process, welfare items are interspersed to mobilize fans' enthusiasm for purchasing. At the same time, some daily necessities will be put on the shelves as small benefits, and the unit price per customer can be increased through combination and matching.

Dongze takes advantage of the female fans of the account. Many people have a demand for outfits. During the live broadcast, they taught fans how to match them and recommended them to buy "complete sets".

As for fan maintenance, the landlord even went as far as to say "nothing for ten days." The long after-sales time of "reasonable return and exchange" truly implements the concept of "service first". "Fans' trust and stickiness need to be accumulated over a long period of time. Product style, quality, after-sales service, etc. will all affect fans' perception of the brand." . Therefore, if you want to truly build a brand reputation, you must bring real good things to fans. ”

Facts have proven that strategic product arrangement coupled with patient and meticulous after-sales service can drive fan conversion to a certain extent, achieve a two-way “ice-breaking” between fans and the brand in a short period of time, and then use high-end Fan stickiness achieves explosive growth in GMV

Master “how to invest”: short video preheating + commercialized streaming to achieve record highs in GMV

In addition, the guidance of public domain traffic is also essential. In this process, the role of short video warm-up cannot be underestimated.

"Landlord", who has many years of experience in working as a supplier, knows the importance of traffic to online sales, so he plays a key role in every live broadcast. Before the event, he will record short warm-up videos to attract fans' attention through product highlights, advance viewing of benefits, etc., and build momentum for the live broadcast. N28 Hanfu will also edit out the highlights of the live broadcast to continue the popularity of the live broadcast.

In addition to short video pre-heating, commercial streaming can help fans accumulate and accelerate private domain conversion. In order to help merchants in Hangzhou’s industrial belt grow rapidly, Kuaishou e-commerce specially provides them with certain traffic support and exposure rewards. At the same time, under the guidance of Kuaishou officials, Hangzhou merchants began to try to use Kuaishou Magnetic Golden Bull for commercial investment.

“Traffic is more important than anything else, and it can achieve rapid growth in the short term, which is important for us. This is very important for newly activated accounts. "Landlord" said. The person in charge of N28 Hanfu operations also said: "After trying to stream, our ROI can reach more than 8.5, and the effect is very good." ”

GMV exceeded 10 million within 45 days of broadcasting, and Hangzhou Industry Leads Women

In addition to traffic support, Kuaishou e-commerce officials will also follow up the live broadcast throughout the process, always pay attention to the account operation effects, and provide support for new brands entering Kuaishou from various aspects such as operational strategies and replenishment policies. In daily operations, Kuaishou will also provide professional advice to brands based on data analysis to help brands expand their e-commerce paths.

Thanks to the multi-dimensional efforts of merchants and platforms, many new brands from Hangzhou’s industrial belt have reached new highs in GMV in Kuaishou. In the process, Kuaishou has also given full play to its role in leveraging the private sector. And the platform advantages of public domain traffic continue to provide more space for brand growth and business growth for more merchants in Hangzhou's industrial belt.